Part of the debate – in the House of Commons am ar 25 Gorffennaf 1922.
I beg to second the Amendment.
I must say the hon. Member has been very moderate in the alterations he has made. He allows 40 years in respect of high-tension trunk transmission lines, which, I think, he will agree is a very long term even for such transmission lines of the very hest quality. Again, 25 years in respect of overhead lines and mains and services is very considerable, when one realises that the atmosphere in the neighbourhood of large towns is full of acid material. Then he suggests 20 years in respect of plant and machinery. Does anyone, who has any knowledge of electricity supply, imagine for a moment that there is a single piece of machinery in the generating stations in this country that will not be absolutely obsolete in 20 years? It is absolute lunacy, and an example of the folly on which this Bill is based, to suggest 60 years, in the first instance, should be allowed for the repayment of loans in this matter.