Part of the debate – in the House of Commons am ar 25 Gorffennaf 1922.
I am not quite sure the House is very clear as to what is to be the procedure in respect of this particular matter. One understands perfectly well the objection to submit to any further inquiry. Those who have had anything to do with inquiries before the Commissioners, even as to area, know how these things drag out, and what enormous expenditure is incurred. Therefore, as far as regards the earlier part of the Clause, I agree that there should be no further inquiry, but the Parliamentary Secretary does distinguish between those matters, and matters which are proposed to be dealt with over and above the maximum amount authorised in the first instance. It is very necessary, I think, that we should have a very clear understanding of the control this House would have over the power to borrow in excess of this amount for the purposes of paying off loans, because large sums of money may be expended and lost upon ventures of this sort, and I suggest that, to make it perfectly clear, we should add at the end of the Clause the words: "by a Resolution in the same manner as in Section 26 of this Act."