Part of the debate – in the House of Commons am ar 25 Gorffennaf 1922.
I beg to move, "That the Clause be read a Second time."
During the discussions in the Standing Committee the question of the rights of small undertakers coming within the operation of joint electricity authorities gave rise to considerable differences of opinion, and after a lengthened exchange of views, the Minister agreed to consider a form of words in which effect could be given to the contention, that the joint electricity authority should not unduly interfere with the rights of the smaller undertakers and distributors. As a consequence of that undertaking this new Clause has been prepared. In my view, it entirely covers what we sought to obtain in the Standing Committee, and have spoken to the Parliamentary Secretary as to the substance of the Clause. May I make this observation, that in connection with the discussion in the House of highly technical matters of this character, it is only right that conferences should also take place outside among persons competent to give assistance in regard to such a Measure as this. I agree with the hon. Member for Stafford (Mr. Ormsby-Gore) that there should not be any tendency to carry legislation by outside conference. I entirely accept that. At the same time I am satisfied it would be almost impossible to carry through tins House a Measure involving so many considerations and so many interests as this, without bringing together the various people who represent those interests outside, and ascertaining their views. If I may say so, those interests were dealt with in the Committee upstairs with the greatest care and consideration, and the Parliamentary Secretary has very fairly and squarely met the various contentions which have been put forward, with the desire to improve the Bill more particularly in the interests of the consumer. I think the Clause now on the Paper deals very effectively with the point at issue.