Part of the debate – in the House of Commons am ar 25 Gorffennaf 1922.
The Members present must have heard with consternation the tone of the whole discussion on this Clause. The hon. Gentleman in charge of the Bill seems to regard legislation very much as he might regard an action in the County Court. The Standing Committee upstairs represents the County Court judge. He represents one party, and all the people financially interested in the Bill represent the other. Every now and then he disappears from the Court, sees Counsel on the other side, with the object of coming to an arrangement, and then he comes in and tells the judge, "We have agreed between ourselves to such and such Clauses and to such and such Amendments." The discussion on this Clause does folly justify those of us who opposed this sort of legislation from the start. I do not think it right when Parliament expressed its opinion on the former Electricity Bill, in the way in which it did, that this method of trying to get. back to an old Bill by a side wind should be adopted by the hon. Member in charge of the Bill. I do hope that Members, if they go to a Division, will bear in mind that we may be knocking away the whole of the power of Parliament in proceeding with this Amendment. The agreement between myself and the hon. Member for West Middlesbro (Mr. T. Thomson) is a remarkable fact in itself, and when in addition to that the hon. Member for Hampstead (Mr. G. Balfour) is also in agreement, it is indeed time that the hon. Member in charge of the Bill should pull himself together, and consider the matter. But I have noticed that the whole tendency of legislation now is a series of bargains between one financially interested person and another, in the sole hope of being able by action in this House to get what they want. If this House could he induced on this particular occasion to record its opinion as to the methods of procedure adopted by the Ministry of Transport ever since it was first formed, I do think that we might get a rather better basis of legislation in this House.