Part of the debate – in the House of Commons am ar 25 Gorffennaf 1922.
On behalf of 40 local authorities in and around London owning electricity undertakings who were profoundly dissatisfied with the Clause inserted in another place, I was requested to put certain Amendments on the Paper for the Committee stage. When the Committee came to deal with one of these important Amendments I thought it best, in the interests of the Committee, not to take up any great amount of time, as the Parliamentary Secretary was aware of the disstisfaction, and the material placed in my hands amounted to 20 or 30 folios. I was anxious to know what course the Parliamentary Secretary was going to take. He went very fully into the reasons why the Clause was inserted in another place. He knew that that Clause did not give satisfaction to the municipal authorities, but he requested that I should withdraw the Amendment, and said he would take an -opportunity of having a conference with the parties concerned to sec whether or not a compromise satisfactory to all parties could be arrived at. That conference, I understand, has taken place, -but satisfaction has not come out of the conference for any party. I understand that the power companies are not satisfied, and the local authorities are not satisfied. Whether or not that means wrecking the Bill is a matter which the House will have to consider. The authorities which I represent are not at all satisfied with the position in which they find themselves.