Mercher, 5 Mai 1965
The House met at half-past Ten o'clock
[Mr. SPEAKER in the Chair]
Considered in Committee [Progress 28th April].
Amendment moved [28th April], In page 1, line 7, leave out "sentenced" and insert: liable at the discretion of the court."—[Sir J. Hobson.]
Resolution reported,That, for the purposes of any Act of the present Session to make provision for the transfer of Covent Garden Market to a site in the London boroughs of Lambeth and Wandsworth,...
Mr. Speaker, I am privileged to submit a Petition, and I speak as the voice of 302,472 of Her Majesty's subjects who have thought fit to speak for those of God's creatures who cannot speak for...
asked the Minister of Aviation how many successful flights the TSR2 has made to date; and if he will make a statement.
asked the Minister of Aviation what directives he will give to the consumer director on the board of British European Airways; and if he will make a statement.
asked the Minister of Aviation what action he is taking to improve freight facilities at London Airport.
asked the Minister of Aviation whether he is satisfied that adequate and accurate information on the performance and potential of British-built aircraft is available to the British public; and if...
asked the Minister of Aviation what steps he is taking to encourage the more efficient use of resources and manpower in the British aircraft industry.
asked the Minister of Aviation what is the value of current investment in the British aircraft industry.
asked the Minister of Aviation what further discussions he has planned with his French counterpart on further Anglo-French collaboration in the aircraft field.
asked the Minister of Aviation what work is to be carried out in the United Kingdom in connection with the putting into service of the C130E transport aircraft and Phantom fighters ordered from...
asked the Minister of Aviation for how long he anticipates the present numbers employed by Short Brothers and Harland can be kept fully employed on existing contracts; and when he expects to be...
asked the Minister of Aviation if he will consider increasing the lengths of the runways at Glenegedale, Kirkwall and Sumburgh airports so that British European Airways can use the Viscount 800...
asked the Minister of Aviation if he will issue a general direction, in the public interest, to British European Airways to conduct an inquiry into the prices charged for items of aircraft...
asked the Minister of Aviation whether he will now disband the committee of inquiry into the aircraft industry presided over by Lord Plowden.
asked the Minister of Aviation what percentage of British European Airways routes are now competitive in that they are not the subject of pooling arrangements.
asked the Minister of Aviation on how many occasions during the last five years licences to operate by the Air Licensing Board have been rendered abortive by the failure to negotiate bilaterals;...
asked the Minister of Aviation whether he will call for a special report from the Plowden Committee on the effects of the recent cancellation of the aircraft P1154, HS681 and TSR2 upon the...
asked the Minister of Aviation when he proposes to review the allocation of Scandinavian Airlines System airline services through Prestwick.
asked the Minister of Aviation how many aircraft movements take place at Stansted Airport each week; and what proportion of those are training flights.
asked the Minister of Aviation when the dilapidated Ministry of Aviation left luggage hut outside the Europa Passenger Building at London Airport will be painted or dismantled.
asked the Minister of Aviation where the Alcock and Brown statue will be sited at the entrance to London Airport; and if he will make a statement.
asked the Minister of Aviation what arrangements he has made to ensure the continued development of terrain-following and other electronic devices lifted into the TSR2.
asked the Minister of Aviation what further steps he is taking to ensure that highly skilled workers made redundant by Government cancellations of orders for military aircraft are not lost to...
asked the Minister of Aviation what is his policy on the development of international services from municipal airports.
asked the Minister of Aviation what representations he has now received from the Electronic Engineering Association on the subject of British communication and navigational aids for the Concord...
The following Question stood upon the Order Paper:
asked the Attorney-General what conclusions have been reached on the need for a full inquiry into the present state of the law and practice relating to the assessment of damages for personal...
asked the Postmaster-General how long it now takes sea mail to reach southern India.
asked the Postmaster-General whether he will investigate the possibility of saving the time of postmen by encouraging the greater use of mail boxes on the road fringe of all houses as is done in...
asked the Postmaster-General whether a Welsh 4d. stamp will be available when the increased postal charges take effect.
asked the Postmaster-General when he now expects a colour television service to be established in this country.
asked the Postmaster-General whether, following the recently announced rise in the cost of television licences, he will make arrangements for the public to be able to arrange for sets to be made...
asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food if he will review the system of marketing wet fish, with a view to assisting the growth of the fishing industry.
Mr. Edward M. Taylor: asked the Secretary of State for Scotland what information he has relating to the extent to which private and municipal house building programmes have been affected by...
With permission, Mr. Speaker, I wish to make a statement about the action which Her Majesty's Government has taken in an attempt to be helpful to the Governments of India and Pakistan in...
Ordered,That this day Business other than the Business of Supply may be taken before Ten o'clock.—[The Prime Minister.]
Motion made, and Question proposed,That a further sum, not exceeding £60, be granted to Her Majesty, towards defraying the charges for the year ending on the 31st day of March, 1966, for the...
The Chairman: Before I call the first speaker, may I again remind the Committee that there is a considerable number of hon. Members on both sides of the House who are seeking to catch my eye in...
10.14 p.m.
10.58 p.m.
Debates in the House of Commons are an opportunity for MPs from all parties to scrutinise government legislation and raise important local, national or topical issues.
And sometimes to shout at each other.