Llun, 22 Chwefror 1954
The House met at Half past Two o'Clock
[Mr. SPEAKER in the Chair]
I desire to present a Petition from the workers of Briggs Bodies, Ltd., in my constituency where over 4,500 of the said workers—more than half of the workers concerned—have signed a...
asked the Minister of Fuel and Power if he will make a statement regarding the state of fuel supplies to Roxburghshire and Selkirkshire in relation to quantity of household grades.
Mr. John Hall: asked the Minister of Fuel and Power the authorised establishment of inspectors of mines; the number of vacancies as at 31st December, 1953; and the number of inspectors engaged...
Mr. John Hall: asked the Minister of Fuel and Power what changes he pro poses to make in the general regulations covering the use of horses in coal mines.
asked the Minister of Fuel and Power what amount of the global compensation of £164,660,000 to be paid for the coal industry to the former owners under Section 10 (3) of the Coal Industry...
asked the Minister of Fuel and Power if he is aware of the disproportionate charges made for the purchase of small quantities of 14 or 28 pounds of coal; and, in view of this hardship to poor...
Mr. Vane: asked the Minister of State, Board of Trade, as representing the Minister of Materials, what proportion of his purchases of timber during the year ended 31st March, 1953, totalling...
asked the Minister of State, Board of Trade, as representing the Minister of Materials, if he is aware that the newsprint manufacturers in Canada would welcome the opportunity of reopening their...
asked the Minister of State, Board of Trade, as representing the Minister of Materials, what steps he proposes to take to help Universal Leather Goods Limited, of Blackburn, to obtain the paper...
Mr. Vane: asked the Minister of State, Board of Trade, as representing the Minister of Materials, why over £1 million was spent during 1953 in importing nearly two million cubic feet of...
asked the Minister of State, Board of Trade, as representing the Minister of Materials, the materials that still remain subject to State trading, after return of jute to private trading; and...
asked the Attorney- General when the Government intend to introduce the scheme for providing free legal advice.
asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether he will make a further statement on the proposed Korean political conference.
asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether he will make a statement on the Berlin Conference.
asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs the policy of Her Majesty's Government in regard to the limitation of the armed forces of an all-German Government which exercises its right not...
asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs what steps he has taken to ensure that the Eden Plan for free elections has been circulated and publicised in foreign countries and the Dominions...
asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs what reply has been given in the consultations with the Government of Pakistan about the conclusion of an economic, cultural and defensive...
asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether he will take steps to enlist the support of the Vatican in making representations to the Government of Colombia to stop the persecution of...
asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs why, in view of the decision that ships of the Royal Navy should not make courtesy visits to Spanish ports, the Commander-in-Chief Home Fleet paid...
asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs if he will now make a statement on Government policy in regard to the future programme of the Overseas Information Services; and if he will...
asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, in view of the recognition of the Peking Government of China by Her Majesty's Government, what further representations have been made to secure...
asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs in view of the recent decision that affiliation orders could not be made effective against any member of the American forces, who are, or have...
asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether the Neutral Nations Repatriation Commission has now ceased its activities; whether the Indian Custodian Force has returned to India; and...
asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs what representations he has made to the Government of the Republic of Panama consequent upon the recent withdrawal on grounds of diplomatic...
asked the Minister of Food what progress is being made towards the provision of a new bacon factory in the County of Norfolk.
asked the Minister of Food what factors have caused the increase in the estimate for the bread subsidy from £38,400,000 in his original Estimate to his present Estimate of £45 million.
asked the Minister of Food what, in million dozens, was the quantity of eggs passing through the United Kingdom packing stations for each month in 1953, and in January, 1954; and the monthly...
asked the Minister of Food whether, in view of the announcement that there is to be a further increase in the price of tea next month, he will now reintroduce price control.
asked the Minister of Supply whether his Department will participate in the production exhibition which is being sponsored by the Institution of Production Engineers at Olympia in July.
asked the Minister of Supply whether the Iron and Steel Board has yet reached agreement with the Federation as to which body shall be responsible for keeping the in dustry's statistics.
asked the Minister of Supply what facilities he is putting at the disposal of the two United States Senators who are flying to Britain next week to investigate Communist activities in British...
asked the Minister of Supply the nature of the technical assistance he is to give to Scottish Aviation, Limited, for the development of the aircraft known as the Twin Pioneer; and the reasons...
asked the Minister of Pensions and National Insurance (1) how many applications under the Industrial Injuries Act for dependant's benefit have been rejected on the ground that a workman's death...
asked the Minister of Pensions and National Insurance the additional cost of increasing the present family allowance by 2s. per week.
asked the Secretary of State for Scotland the proportion of electrical development in the rural areas of Scotland compared with the remainder of Britain during the financial year 1953–54.
asked the Secretary of State for Scotland if he is aware of the social problem that has arisen in Ayrshire resulting from the presence of American military personnel; if he has examined the...
asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer when the actuary's report on the National Insurance schemes will be ready for the Phillips Committee to examine; and what arrangements are being made to get...
asked the Secretary to the Treasury what Customs duty was levied on a number of prefabricated houses presented by the people of Norway to the stricken families of East Anglia; and how many...
asked the Minister of Transport and Civil Aviation the cost of the commitments for major road improvements he proposes to authorise for 1954–55, 1955–56 and 1956–57 additional...
John Benedict Eden, esquire, for Bournemouth, West.
Motion made, and Question put, That the Proceedings on Government Business be exempted, at this day's Sitting, from the provisions of Standing Order No. 1 (Sittings of the House).—[The...
3.43 p.m.
Motion made, and Question proposed, "That this House do now adjourn."—[Mr. Studholme.]
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