Llun, 24 Mawrth 1947
The House met at Half past Two o'Clock
[Mr. SPEAKER in the Chair]
asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs what assistance, either in training, equipment or munitions, has been given by this country to the French Government to aid French forces about to...
asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether conditions of child labour in Japan are in accordance with the recommendations of the I.L.O.
asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether he has yet received a reply from the de facto Government of Poland to his communication of 30th January protesting against the arrest, at...
asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs what reply he has sent to the telegram sent to him by the British subjects of Lithuanian descent on the occasion of Lithuania's. Independence...
asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs what steps have been taken by the British representative to support the communication of General Wemyss, the U.S. representative on the Allied...
asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether General Pirzio-Birolli, the former Italian governor of Dalmatia, is included in the list of persons prepared by U.N.O. War Crimes...
asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs in what circumstances British subjects applying for a passport are asked to make a deposit of over £100.
asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether the Nuremberg Trial was based on the recognition of the Control Commission for Germany as the legal Government of that country; and...
asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether he will now publish the terms of the secret agreement entered into at Yalta between the right hon. Member for Woodford (Mr. Churchill),...
asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs what protest His Majesty's Government have received from the Syrian and Lebanese Governments on the terms of the oil agreement recently concluded...
asked the Minister of Food what steps are at present being taken to obtain supplies of citrus juices from the U.S.A.; what quantities have been imported in the last 12 months from the U.S.A.; and...
asked the Minister of Food, whether, in view of the small quantities of nuts at present available, he will consider releasing moderate quantities of monkey nuts to fruiterers for sale on the open...
asked the Minister of Food if, without giving details of the contracts, he will indicate how the price being paid for the 50,000 tons of meat recently ordered in the U.S.A. compares with the...
asked the Minister of Food whether he is aware that artificer apprentices, 16 years of age, in the R.N. receive an ordinary Services' ration card for leave periods; that this does not enable them...
asked the Minister of Food if he is aware that in many areas there have been no potatoes on sale for nearly a week, and that the few green vegetables in the shops are priced so high that it is...
asked the Minister of Food how much he spent in 1946 on Press advertisements; and what percentage of the sum was represented by advertisements giving menus.
asked the Minister of Food whether he is aware that 1,000 tons of fish offal has now accumulated unprocessed at the works of the Grimsby Fish Meal Company, Limited, owing to lack of fuel; and...
asked the Minister of Food when he proposes to announce the prices and conditions of sale of strawberries for this season; and if, before doing so, he will consult smallholders and find out the...
asked the Minister of Food the number of catering licences that have been issued in the last 18 months, to the nearest convenient date, to persons who had not previously held a licence.
asked the Minister of Food what intake of calories per head per day is shown, for the latest available month, by his Department's dietary food survey; and what are the comparable figures for the...
asked the Minister of Food what were the numbers of fat cattle pur- chased from farmers in the periods 1st December, 1945, to 1st March, 1946, and 1st December, 1946, to 1st March, 1947.
asked the Minister of Food what is the origin of the third-grade meat bought from the U.S.A. at 1s. 8d. per pound; what is the cost per pound to His Majesty's Government of this meat on sale to...
asked the Minister of Food why only 120,000 tons of maize were imported in 1946; and what amount, and from which countries, he estimates that he will succeed in importing maize in 1947.
asked the Minister of Food whether, in view of the fact that the quantity of oil-cake and meal produced during 1946 was lower than even the worst year during the war and that the imports during...
asked the Minister of Food whether his Department is purchasing the 1947 crop of Cameroon bananas on the basis of f.o.b. or c.i.f.; and what price per ton is being paid.
asked the Minister of Food whether he will arrange for bread to be served at meals, without ranking a course, when potatoes are unobtainable.
asked the Minister of Food if he is aware that inconvenience is being caused to retail traders when the value of goods is down pointed, as they have to give up to the wholesaler the number of...
asked the Minister of Food if he has considered the wholesale price list of wines and spirits submitted to him by the honourable Member for Maldon, including Scotch whisky at £38 5s.,...
asked the Prime Minister what action the Government are taking to assist in the rehabilitation of those people in various parts of the country whose homes and furniture have been wholly or...
asked the Prime Minister whether he has yet received the Report of the Committee set up, under the chairmanship of Lord Gorell, to consider the future of the terrace houses in Regents Park; and...
asked the Prime Minister whether his attention has been drawn to the report of a sociological organisation, a copy of which has been sent to him, indicating that the bulk of the general public...
asked the Prime Minister whether he will now indicate the Government's intentions regarding the recommendations of the Curtis Report on deprived children.
asked the Minister of Agriculture if he is in a position to make a statement on the prospects of seed potato planting, and the distribution arrangements being made to counter the ill effects of...
I am sure the House would wish me to make a statement on the flooding situation in general, from the standpoint of my Department. The quick thaw, following weeks of heavy snow, and frost, and...
Mr. Speaker, I would like to seek your guidance as to the rules governing the acceptance by the Clerks at the Table of names of hon. Members in support of Motions standing on the Order Paper,...
Order for Second Reading read.
3.52 p.m.
11.14 p.m.
11.32 p.m.
12.11 a.m.
Read a Second time, and committed to a Committee of the Whole House for this day.—[Mr. Snow.]
Motion made, and Question proposed, "That this House do now adjourn."—[Mr. Snow.]
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