Mercher, 21 Mawrth 1945
The House met at a Quarter past Two o'Clock
[Mr. SPEAKER in the Chair]
asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether he is aware that there was a delay of some weeks before relatives in this country could obtain information regarding the names of British...
Mr. John Duģdale: asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether he will make arrangements for any Greeks detained by the British authorities in Africa to leave their internment...
asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether the negotiations in Moscow with the object of forming a new Government of Poland have made any progress.
asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs what part of Transylvania has been transferred from Hungary to Rumania; and whether such action has been approved by any of the parties to the...
asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether the British political agent at Bucharest has diplomatic status; and, if so, what is that status; and whether his official residence is...
asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether agreement has now been reached between the major Allies on the problems of liberated Rumania.
Miss Ward: asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether he can yet state the new scale of salaries proposed for the Foreign Service.
Captain Duncan: asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether he can now give an approximate estimate of the numbers of Yugoslays who have been tried by the special anti-Fascist...
Mr. Quintin Hoģģ: asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether the torpedo which struck the s.s. "Blackheath" came from waters adjoining the Tangier international zone.
asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether he will consider the appointment of an attaché at the British Legation at Berne to deal specially with refugee and rescue problems...
asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether any steps have been taken, or are contemplated, for the relief of starvation and malnutrition in the South-Eastern Departments of France...
asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether it is the policy of His Majesty's Govern- ment to uphold the position of Turkey as the guardian of the Straits.
asked the Secretary of State for Air whether men in their 45th year and over, serving in the R.A.F. on the ground staff on the European Continent are liable to be sent to the Eastern theatre of war.
asked the Secretary of State for Air what was the total amount recovered, or to be recovered, from the non-public funds of the unit of 54 Group Training Command, R.A F, at Regent's Park, in...
asked the Secretary of State for Air whether he is aware that the widow and children of an airman, whose particulars have been communicated to him, have had no allowances or payments since 8th...
Mr. John Duģdale: asked the Secretary of State for Air whether the Air Council are now in a position to pay the cost of meals eaten by members of the A.T.C. engaged in duties on aerodromes.
Miss Ward: asked the Secretary of State for Air whether he can now make a statement on increased allowances for tropical kit.
asked the Secretary of State for Air whether he is aware of the grave dissatisfaction of R.A.F. personnel who were encouraged to volunteer to be released to industry on the undertaking that the...
asked the Secretary of State for Air (1) what indication or undertaking that the R.A.F. would be prepared to undertake air survey work, either in this country or in the Colonial Empire, he has...
Mr. Arthur Duckworth: asked the Secretary of State for Air whether there is any necessity for the low flying and power diving that is constantly carried out over the town of Shrewsbury by...
asked the Secretary of State for Air why is transport to Paris given to a football team when it is not available for business men who want to develop the trade of this country.
Mr. Driberģ: asked the Secretary of State for Air if he can make a statement on the proposed posting of members of the W.A.A.F. from Egypt to Iraq.
asked the Secretary of State for Air whether sisters in the P.M.R.A.F. Nursing Service, serving with mobile field hospitals in S.E.A.C., receive the Japanese campaign pay or the war increment pay...
asked the Minister of Aircraft Production what is the amount of the short-period rent which is being charged to the Standard Motor Company for the shadow factory at Banner Lane, Coventry.
asked the Minister of Works when he proposes to de-requisition the Imperial Hotel, Stroud, Gloucestershire, in view of the fact that these premises are needed for a Forces' Club and are at...
Mr. Craik Henderson: asked the Postmaster-General how many claims have been received in respect of articles lost or stolen by post, registered and otherwise, during the last complete year for...
asked the Postmaster-General on how many days in each year since the services were inaugurated have the aircraft due to carry mail from Inverness to Orkney and from Aberdeen to Shetland failed to...
asked the Minister of Works if he will make a statement on the rate of restoration of houses injured by enemy action in the West Midlands Region; if shortage of manpower has retarded progress;...
asked the Minister of Works if, following his recent visit to Birmingham, he realises fully the urgency of the Housing problem in all parts of that city; and if he can indicate, in relation to...
asked the Minister of Works whether he has now reconsidered his decision in the case A.S. 63/P.R. 8349/44), details of which are in his possession, of a workman who has been unemployed for...
asked the Minister of Works what proportion of the lift attendants operating lifts in Government offices under his control are unestablished and unpensionable.
asked the Minister of Food whether his attention has been called to the decision of Mr. Justice Mac-Dermott in the High Court of Northern Ireland, refusing to accept a certificate issued by the...
asked the Prime Minister if he will extend the discussions with the Dominions concerning the possibility of Polish citizens being granted British nationality to include the request of many of...
Commander Kinģ-Hall: asked the Minister of Food whether he is now in a position to make a statement on the possibility of residents in the United Kingdom being permitted to send to private...
Captain Gammons: asked the Minister of Food if he anticipates it will be necessary to reduce the meat ration during the next six months.
asked the Minister of Food whether the Scientific Advisory Committee, the Special Diets Committee of the Medical Research Council, or the Nutrition Committee of the Ministry of Health or his...
asked the Minister of Food if, in view of the likelihood of a reduction in the civilian meat ration and the reliable evidence that from home resources we can collect and supply each average...
asked the Minister of Supply the approximate number of motor vehicles which have been returned to the industry for disposal to date; and what conditions were imposed as to price regulation.
asked the Minister of Supply if he will state the classes of surplus goods for the disposal of which his Ministry is responsible; and what is the procedure to be followed by persons wishing to...
asked the Minister of Supply whether he will explain the policy of his Ministry in the disposal of the different classes of timber accumulated at the various timber dumps in south-west...
asked the First Lord of the Admiralty whether he will consider arranging for the owners of released trawlers, many of which need extensive repairs before they can be used for fishing, to have the...
asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies whether his attention has been called to the need for improved and enlarged hospital accommodation for all races in Tanganyika; and what proposals he...
asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies the names of the Ministers in the Jamaican Government; and whether a public indication of policy and prospective legislation has been given.
asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of War Transport whether he is aware that a street, the name of which has been given to him, has been closed to traffic since a flying-bomb...
asked the Minister of Information whether the B.B.C. keeps a record of the number of enemy fighting personnel killed, wounded and captured by the Allies in Europe since the outbreak of the...
Fliģht-Lieutenant Teeing: asked the Minister of Information whether he is in a position to state when foreign commercial broadcasting stations which used to broadcast in English to this...
asked the Minister of Information if, in view of the B.B.C. broadcast on 15th March of the proceedings of the Conservative Party Conference and, in particular, of the recordings from the speech...
asked the Minister of Information whether the recent sudden cancellation by the B.B.C. of a proposed broadcast which had been advertised in the "Radio Times," answering a question on the meaning...
asked the Minister of Information why a guidance notice was issued on 15th March to the Press by the Controller, Press Censorship, Ministry of Information giving guidance on how to deal with the...
(by Private Notice) asked the Prime Minister whether there is any security reason why the figure of food stocks under the control of the 'Ministry of Food should not be disclosed; and, if there...
I beg leave to raise a question of Privilege. Recently, I received a communication from a firm of farmers containing what, to me, is an obnoxious offer of monetary reward for services expected to...
That they have agreed to—
Order for Second Reading read.
Considered in Committee under Standing Order No. 69.
Motion made, and Question proposed, "That this House do now adjourn."—[Mr. Beechman.]
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