Iau, 26 Tachwedd 1942
[Mr. SPEAKER in the Chair]
Read the Third time, and passed.
asked the Minister of Labour whether he is aware that female civilian clerks employed at Ordnance Depôts are being called up from that work under the National Service Acts, although Royal...
Mr. Craik Henderson: asked the Minister of Labour whether he is aware that young men employed on important war work, for over 72 hours per week, are being directed to join the Home Guard;...
asked the Minister of Labour whether he has now made his inquiries into the strike in the Tyneside shipyards; and whether he has any statement to make as a result?
asked the Minister of Labour whether he is now in a position to say how many men under 30 years of age are employed in all branches of his Department?
asked the Minister of Labour whether he can make any statement as to the extent to which aged, infirm and sick persons are being allowed to retain the services of at least one maid?
asked the Minister of Labour what steps were taken by his Department to survey the local position before assuring the President of the Board of Trade that, in the event of Messrs. Scott &...
asked the Minister of Labour whether he is aware that the condition that entrants for the Engineering Cadet Corps must hold a school certificate renders ineligible boys who have chosen a...
asked the Minister of Labour whether his attention has been drawn to the decision of the Court of Appeal on the 19th instant in the case of Docker v. Standard Telephones and Cables, Limited, the...
asked the Minister of Labour whether his attention has been drawn to the case of a workman, whose name has been supplied to him, directed from employment as engineer storekeeper with a firm in...
asked the Minister of Health whether he is aware that many blind persons, anxious to participate in the war effort, are debarred from fitting themselves to do so as it would involve the loss of...
asked the Minister of Labour whether he can give any information about the seamen's club at Liverpool; how many hours the club will be open each day; whether the club will be open to all the...
asked the Minister of Labour when it is proposed to introduce the necessary legislation to put into effect the Government's reforms of the catering trades conditions of employment?
asked the Minister of Labour whether any decision has been reached by the Government regarding ratification of the two Inter national Labour Conventions concerning the regulation of written...
asked the Minister of Pensions whether he is satisfied that Army officers and men are fully conversant with their rights under the scheme of war service grants, in view of the fact that less than...
asked the Minister of Pensions on what date a request was made to the British Medical Association to provide medical men for pensions appeal tribunals; and with what result?
asked the Secretary of State for India whether he will consider increasing Indian representation on his Advisory Committee?
asked the Secretary of State for India whether correspondence from private persons in this country can be sent and delivered to Indian leaders now detained; whether those leaders are or will be...
asked the Secretary of State for India for what reason it is not permitted to send cigarettes duty free to members of the Services serving in India?
asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department whether he can make a statement as to the present policy of his Department in regard to the enrolment of enemy aliens for fire-watching purposes?
asked the Home Secretary whether, as the positions of Regional Commissioners and their Deputies have now become unnecessary, their functions being now adequately performed by other branches of...
asked the Home Secretary whether he will undertake that the hours of duty in the National Fire Service shall not be increased to 48 on and 24 off, except where amenities and conditions justify...
asked the Home Secretary whether he is now in a position to make any statement in regard to the protection of emergency water tanks?
asked the Home Secretary of State whether a copy of the Warrant under the Royal Sign Manual for a free pardon is sent to the person most concerned or only when the person asks for it; why, in the...
asked the Home Secretary whether he is now able to state his decision with reference to bringing into operation the Adoption of Children Act, 1939?
Mr. Henry White: asked the Home Secretary (1) the number of cases of dermatitis known to him as occurring in the coalmining industry in the years 1938, 1939, 1940 and 1941 respectively; (2) the...
asked the Home Secretary the result of his consideration of the question of requiring persons who make charitable appeals by circular or advertisement to be registered?
asked the Home Secretary how soon the Report of the Committee on Electoral Reform is likely to be presented to Parliament?
asked the Home Secretary whether he has any further statement to make concerning the improvement of lighting facilities for pedal cycles?
asked the Home Secretary whether he is aware of the feeling among Lancashire miners over the application of the bonus award last week to partial compensation men on light work when the award of...
asked the President of the Board of Education whether the Board has issued, or is prepared to issue, suggestions to teachers how best they can put before their pupils at an appropriate age the...
asked the President of the Board of Education whether he is aware of the dissatisfaction felt by the teaching profession at the failure of the Government to raise the pensions of retired...
asked the President of the Board of Education whether his attention has been drawn to the suggestion of the Somerset County Council that in rural areas post-primary schools should have sufficient...
asked the President of the Board of Education from how many elementary, central and secondary schools for which county or borough authorities are responsible the scholars are withdrawn...
asked the President of the Board of Education whether his attention has been drawn to the fact that there is a shortage of operative man-power in this country and a surplus of people of...
asked the Lord President of the Council whether he has any further statement to make on the subject of Service pay and allowances and the many anomalies that still exist?
asked the Minister of Agriculture whether he can give any information about the three land women killed, and 14 injured, in a lorry at Billericay, Essex, on Tuesday, 10th November; and what...
Mr. De la Bère: asked the Minister of Agriculture whether, in connection with the supply of green battle-dress suits for agricultural workers, he is aware of the impossibility of...
asked the Minister of Agriculture why it is considered necessary to allocate 47 tons of feeding-stuffs per month during the coming winter to hunt establishments?
asked the Minister of Agriculture whether his attention has been drawn to a case, particulars of which were sent to him, where a war agriculture committee and a conservancy board, acting under...
asked the Minister of Agriculture the penalty for feeding raw swill to pigs; and how many people have been prosecuted for the offence this year?
asked the Minister of Agriculture whether he will urge county war agricultural committees to procure the co-operation of landowners in the collection of blown trees, wood chips and root stumps,...
asked the Minister of Health whether he is in a position to make a statement about the Assistance Board and the carrying out of the instructions with regard to clothing, etc., to old age...
asked the Minister of Health whether the Nurses' Salaries Committee, under the chairmanship of Lord Rushcliffe, has issued a Report; and, if not, when he anticipates such a Report will be available?
asked the Minister of Health (1) whether he will state the cost of erecting and equipping the war-time nursery at Martock, Somerset; the number of staff employed in this nursery; the number of...
asked the Minister of Health whether he will give an assurance that in any State medical scheme, the interests of that section of the public, estimated at approximately 1,000,000 people of all...
asked the Minister of Health what steps he is taking to keep in touch with representative medical opinion in regard to the planning of the future of Health Services?
asked the Minister of Health whether a woman who, for 30 or more years, has lived as his wife with a man who had duly contributed to the Government insurance funds, is eligible after his death...
asked the Minister of Health what steps are being taken to increase disablement benefit under the National Health Insurance Acts; and whether he is aware of the serious privations suffered by the...
Mr. De la Bère: asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer whether, in view of the considerable hardship which exists, particularly in the case of small householders who are called on to...
asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer the amount per annum which the Bank of England receives for its services in the management of the note issue and who receives the interest on the Government...
asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer whether he has made any estimate of the annual cost of introducing equal pay in the Civil Service; and the cost of Civil Defence pensions without sex...
asked the Minister of Health whether any steps can be taken to provide that where a son or daughter serving in the Forces makes a voluntary allotment to a parent, such allotment shall be...
May I ask the Leader of the House to state the Business for to-day and the next Sitting Days?
"to authorise the making of preparatory arrangements for the calling up of male persons who are about to become liable to be called up for service under the National Service Acts, 1939 to 1941,...
Order read for resuming Adjourned Debate on Question [11th November]: That an humble Address be presented to His Majesty, as followeth:
I beg to move, at the end of the Question, to add: And welcome in particular the declaration in the Gracious Speech that His Majesty's Government desire to do their utmost to raise the standards...
Resolved, That the Potatoes (1942 Crop) (Charges) Order, 1942, dated 31st October, 1942, made by the Treasury under Section 2 of the Emergency Powers (Defence) Act, 1939, a copy of which was...
Resolved, That the Order made by the Secretary of State for the Home Department extending Section I of the Sunday Entertainments Act, 1932, to the Urban District of Newtown and Llanllwchaiarn,...
Ordered, That a Select Committee be appointed to examine all documents and records in the custody or control of any officer of the House; to report which of these may be destroyed and which are...
Motion made, and Question proposed, "That this House do now adjourn."—[Sir J. Edmondson.]
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