House of Commons debates

Mawrth, 8 Hydref 1940

  • Preamble

    Mr. SPEAKER in the Chair.

  • Private Business.

  • Oral Answers to Questions — Coal Industry.

    • Air-Raid Warnings (Mines).

      4 areithiau

      asked the Secretary for Mines whether he is aware that, in the Northumberland coalfield, schemes for working the mines during air-raid warnings are being held up because the owners are only...

    • Closing of Collieries.

      8 areithiau

      asked the Secretary for Mines what progress has been made with the proposals for preventing the closing of collieries; and what steps are being taken to find alternative employment for the...

      Alternative Fuels.

      6 areithiau

      Mr. David Adams: asked the Secretary for Mines the number of vehicles using raw coal or coke, high- or low-pressure coal-gas, and producer-gas, respectively, with the total number of vehicles...

  • Oral Answers to Questions — Trade and Commerce.

    • Overseas Countries.

      2 areithiau

      asked the President of the Board of Trade whether he will inform the House on the progress of the trade commissions to certain overseas countries; whether the work of these bodies is actively...

    • Exports (Purchase Tax).

      2 areithiau

      asked the President of the Board of Trade whether he is now in a position to make a statement on the negotiations which have taken place with the Customs authorities of the United States of...

  • Oral Answers to Questions — British Army.

    • Pensioners.

      2 areithiau

      asked the Secretary of State for War whether he is aware that Army pensioners who enlisted under a three-years' agreement to act as instructors to militiamen and who subsequently were granted...

    • Sudan.

      2 areithiau

      asked the Secretary of State for War whether he can make any statement on the defence of the Sudan, especially in view of the recent enemy air-raids on many of its chief towns.

      Fresh Vegetables.

      8 areithiau

      asked the Secretary of State for War whether he will take steps to encourage all military commands, as is already done in some, to supply troops with fresh vegetables from allotments and gardens...

      Training (Universities).

      2 areithiau

      asked the Secretary of State for War, why the Welsh university colleges are not included with the eight English and Scottish universities in the scheme for training young men as officers for the...


      6 areithiau

      asked the Secretary of State for War whether he is aware that certain serving soldiers are being deprived of the recent rise of 6d. per day by reason of the fact that an equivalent amount is...

      Auxiliary Territorial Service.

      2 areithiau

      Colonel Arthur Evans: asked the Secretary of State for War, what changes have been made, or are contemplated, in the higher ranks of the Auxiliary Territorial Service?

      Home Guard.

      6 areithiau

      asked the Secretary of State for War, whether any further decisions have been come to as to the future constitution, provision of paid whole-time personnel and similar matters affecting the Home...


      8 areithiau

      asked the Secretary of State for War whether, in view of the increasing domestic hardships arising from the continued bombing of the civilian population, he will grant special leave facilities to...


      2 areithiau

      asked the Secretary of State for War whether he will give an assurance that when any units are de-mechanised and re-horsed, priority is being given to the purchase of horses in this country...


      3 areithiau

      asked the Secretary of State for War whether, during the winter in Iceland, our troops in that country will be employed in learning the language and history of that country, and teaching the...

      Winter Coal.

      6 areithiau

      asked the Secretary of State for War, whether he will give an assurance that adequate coal will be supplied to troops during the winter; and whether an extra ration will be authorised for those...

      Bomb Disposal (Pay).

      4 areithiau

      Mr. David Adams: asked the Secretary of State for War, whether he is aware that danger money is paid for certain types of work and a bounty given for each sea-mine disposed of to men of the...

      Enemy Bombs (Origin).

      4 areithiau

      asked the Secretary of State for War whether he is aware that fragments of bombs showing British origin have been picked up in this country following air raids; whether he has any statement to...

  • Oral Answers to Questions — National War Effort.

    • Distributive Trades (Negotiating Machinery).

      4 areithiau

      asked the Minister of Labour whether he is now in a position to make a statement on the progress made to set up negotiating machinery on industrial problems between employers and employed in the...

    • Scientific Advisory Council.

      6 areithiau

      asked the Prime Minister whether he is aware that a letter addressed to him by the presidents of the Mechanical, Civil and Electrical Institutes of Engineers and offering the services of their...

      Government Departments (Correspondence).

      6 areithiau

      asked the Prime Minister whether his attention has been drawn to the continued dilatoriness of Government Departments in dealing with correspondence; and what steps he proposes to take to deal...


      6 areithiau

      asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer what is the total expenditure of the National Savings campaign for administration and publicity for the 12 months ended 7th September, 1940; and whether, in...

  • Oral Answers to Questions — Civil Defence.

    • Internees.

      37 areithiau

      asked the Minister of Labour whether persons insured under the Unemployment Insurance Scheme now interned as aliens are entitled to unemployment benefit in respect of any period of their...

    • Restriction Orders.

      8 areithiau

      Miss Rathbone: asked the Home Secretary whether he has considered the case, details of which have been sent to him, of a man who was detained in prison for 10 days, then ordered to leave the...

      Air Raids, London (Non-Military Targets).

      5 areithiau

      asked the Home Secretary the number of bombs dropped on non-military targets in the London area from 10th September to a convenient date?

      Public Shelters.

      45 areithiau

      Major Lloyd: asked the Home Secretary whether he is aware that most of the public air-raid shelters in the Yoker district of Glasgow have no doors, no lights, no lavatories and no seats and are...

      Winter Equipment, a.R.P. Services.

      6 areithiau

      asked the Home Secretary the action it is proposed to take to provide suitable clothes and boots for members of the air-raid precautions services during the winter months?

      Gallantry Awards.

      7 areithiau

      asked the Prime Minister, whether, in view of the many outstanding acts of bravery and devotion to duty performed by civilian services personnel and individual citizens, he will take steps to...

      Indiscriminate Enemy Bombing.

      4 areithiau

      asked the Prime Minister whether he will indicate to the House what steps he proposes to take to counter effectively the indiscriminate bombing of the civilian population of Great Britain?

      Air-Raid Bulletins.

      2 areithiau

      asked the Prime Minister whether he will instruct the various Departments concerned, whose daily reports are of vital concern to the community, to deliver these reports to the British...

      Banks (Air-Raid Warnings).

      2 areithiau

      asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer whether he is aware that all banks, immediately on the alert signal, remove all their papers below and put their customers into the street; that one bank did...

      Air-Raid Damage (Compensation).

      2 areithiau

      asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer whether in the case of houses being destroyed in air raids where two families are living in one house, compensation can be paid for loss of furniture and...

      Disabled Men (Facilities of Employment) Act, 1919.

      2 areithiau

      asked the Home Secretary whether the provisions of the Disabled Men (Facilities of Employment) Act, 1919, will be extended to air-raid precautions workers who may be partially disabled by an...

      Ministry of Home Security (Retired Indian Civil Servants).

      2 areithiau

      asked the Home Secretary how many of the 38 retired Indian Civil Servants in his Air-raid Precautions Department are paid more than £1,000 a year; and how many of them are over the age of 60?

      Old Age Pensions.

      2 areithiau

      The following Question stood upon the Order Paper:

      Armed Forces (Death Certificates).

      4 areithiau

      asked the Prime Minister whether he is aware of the hardship caused to the families of deceased serving men owing to the failure of the several Services to supply at once proper death...

      Secret Sessions (Official Report).

      9 areithiau

      asked the Prime Minister whether he will consider arranging for private Sessions of the House from which strangers are excluded with the exception of Official Reporters; and whether, in the...


      2 areithiau

      asked the Prime Minister (1) whether, in view of the Dakar withdrawal, he will see that any future expeditions are under the command of a British officer; (2) why the three French cruisers were...

      Theatre Closing.

      2 areithiau

      asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer whether, in view of the closing of theatres as a result of enemy action on the life of the people, he will consider introducing a moratorium or some similar...

      War Damage to Property (Insurance).

      4 areithiau

      asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer whether his attention has been called to the advertisements and circulars offering various insurances against war damage to property and effects; and whether...

      Entertainments Duty.

      2 areithiau

      asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer, whether, as it is at present almost impossible to conduct theatres in the London area on a profitable basis, he will consider temporarily abandoning the...

      War Savings (Determination of Needs) Bill.

      6 areithiau

      asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer whether he is now in a position to state the intentions of the Government with regard to the War Savings (Determination of Needs) Bill; and whether he is...

      Purchase Tax.

      6 areithiau

      asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer whether he can now announce the date on which the Purchase Tax is to come into operation; and whether he is aware that the delay in fixing this date is...

      Widows', Orphans', and Old Age Pensions (Canada).

      5 areithiau

      asked the Financial Secretary to the Treasury whether he will assure the House that it is the Government's intention to continue payment in Canada of pensions awarded under the widows', orphans'...

  • Oral Answers to Questions — Food Supplies.

    • Bread.

      4 areithiau

      Mr. De la Bère: asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food, whether he can make some further statement in connection with the advice of the Scientific Food Policy...

    • Meat Prices.

      4 areithiau

      asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food, whether he is aware that the cost of Grade 2 butcher-meat has risen 6d. per lb. compared with a rise of 2d. per lb. in Grade 1 meat, and...

  • Business of the House.

    16 areithiau

    May I ask the Prime Minister whether he will say what business the House will take at its next meeting?

  • New Member Sworn.

    Randolph Frederick Edward Spencer Churchill, Esquire, for the Borough of Preston.

  • Parliamentary Papers (Printing and Publication).

    14 areithiau

    I have a statement to make about Questions and printing. So long as the present all-night air raids continue the printing by night of Parliamentary notice papers, etc., will be impossible, and,...

  • Civil Estimates (Supplemen- Tary Estimates, 1940).

    Estimate presented—of the further sum required to be voted for the service of the year ending 31st March, I941 [by Command]; referred to the Committee of Supply, and to be printed. [No. 161.]

  • War Situation.

    28 areithiau

    Motion made, and Question proposed, "That this House do now Adjourn."—[Captain Margesson.]

Beth yw hwn?

Debates in the House of Commons are an opportunity for MPs from all parties to scrutinise government legislation and raise important local, national or topical issues.

And sometimes to shout at each other.

Hydref 1940
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