Iau, 27 Mai 1937
The House met at a Quarter before Three of the Clock, Mr. SPEAKER in the Chair.
Private Bills [Lords] (Standing Orders not previously inquired into complied with).
asked the Minister of Labour whether he has received a communication from the International Labour Office regarding a conference of experts on the subject of migration; and what action, if any,...
asked the Minister of Labour whether it is the general practice in dealing with unemployed newly transferred to the Unemployment Assistance Board to operate the scale of allowances and...
asked the Minister of Labour how many cases have occurred during the last two years in Great Britain in which benefit has been refused to persons undergoing a course of training without pay?
asked the Minister of Labour whether the promised South-west Durham Improvement Association has yet been set up; and, if so, who are its members?
asked the Minister of Labour whether he can give any information as to the formation of a site company for Lancashire to operate in the industrially depressed areas in that county?
asked the Minister of Labour whether, in view of conflicting opinions as to the proportion of those on the unemployed register who are either unemployable or will not be able to find suitable...
asked the Minister of Labour whether he has been in negotiation with the railway companies concerning the conditions on which railway employés are excepted from the unemployment insurance...
asked the Minister of Labour whether it is his intention that the trading estates shall have power to assist in securing sites in parts of the Special Areas other than that in which the trading...
asked the Minister of Labour whether the Government propose to adopt the recommendations of the committee on the regulation of wages and conditions of service in the road motor transport...
asked the. Minister of Health in how many cases during the past two years have the London County Council and the City of London Corporation, respectively, insisted upon the provision of...
Mr. R. Duckworth: asked the Minister of Transport what practice he proposes to follow with regard to compensation for businesses and property which are depreciated in value by the construction...
asked the Minister of Transport for what period has single-line traffic, controlled by police signals, been in operation during the last two years at the bridges near Rickmansworth, Herts; and...
asked the Minister of Labour whether the inquiry into the question of the revision of the cost-of-living index figure is yet completed; and, if so, what action he proposes to take?
asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department what requests have been made during the past three years to the Prison Commissioners by governors and chief officers of prisons for more...
asked the Home Secretary the number of exemption orders granted by the Commissioner of Police for the Metropolitan area under the Licensing Acts for the 12 months ended to the last convenient...
asked the Home Secretary whether his attention has been called to the fact that immediately after the Coronation ceremony on 12th May the three evening newspapers published in London all issued...
asked the Home Secretary whether his attention has been called to the accident which occurred on 7th May at the offices of a life assurance company in London, when a woman fell 30 feet down an...
asked the Home Secretary whether he is aware that many of the complaints made in official reports and elsewhere as to the manner in which justices of the peace and their clerks perform their...
asked the Home Secretary what opportunity is provided for an applicant for naturalisation papers to appeal against an adverse decision; and whether any opportunity is afforded to the applicant to...
asked the Home Secretary whether he is aware of the inadequacy of the payments for total incapacity under the Workmen's Compensation Act; and whether any amending legislation is contemplated in...
asked the Home Secretary whether he is now in a position to announce the constitution of the committee on corporal punishment?
asked the President of the Board of Education, whether, having regard to the high incidence of tuberculosis in Wales, the school medical officers of health in the Principality have made any...
asked the President of the Board of Education the number of applications made to him by individual authorities or schools during the previous two years for permission to award free places in...
asked the President of the Board of Education the number of children who have been absent from school in and around Chesham during the past six weeks; whether there is reason to believe that a...
asked the Minister of Health what is the total number of houses, as for England and Wales, completed with State assistance from 1919 up to 3rst March, 1937, or the last available date; and the...
asked the Minister of Health whether he has now considered the resolution passed by the local authorities of Lancashire and Cheshire, who met in Manchester on 28th April, 1937, asking for...
asked the Minister of Health whether, having regard to the abnormally high maternal mortality rate in Wales, and more particularly in the rural areas, he is satisfied with the proposals submitted...
asked the Minister of Health, having regard to the high mortality rate from tuberculosis in Wales, what steps he proposes to take to deal with the problem; in particular, what progress is being...
asked the Minister of Health whether he is aware of the large number of barges used for the conveyance of refuse down the River Thames which do not effectively prevent the refuse from being...
asked the Minister of Health whether he will set up a committee of inquiry, consisting of an equal number of medical men and laymen, to inquire into the efficacy and genuineness of the...
asked the Minister of Health whether he is in a position to state what steps he intends to take in respect of the report of the chief inspector of alkali works dealing with smoke abatement; and...
Mr. David Adams: asked the Minister of Health whether he has now decided to take further steps to protect the public against watered milk, in view of the failures, in recent prosecutions in...
Mr. David Adams: asked the Minister of Health what steps the Government propose to take in implementing the findings of the Royal Commission upon Tyneside Local Government prior to the...
asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer whether, as every paper pound is now covered by 22s. worth of gold, and in order to avoid moving gold-holdings between the Exchange Equalisation Fund and...
asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer whether he is aware of the dissatisfaction existing with regard to the office accommodation provided for the officials responsible for the administration of...
asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer whether he is now in a position to state the names of the members of the Royal Commission on Location of Industry and the terms submitted to the Commission?
asked the Secretary to the Treasury the average aggregate annual cost over 20 years of providing increased pensions of £1 a week to all insured persons and to the aged over 70 benefiting...
asked the Prime Minister whether he is in a position to give the decision of the Government on the question of Members' salaries?
asked the Lord President of the Council the number of processes for the extraction of oil from coal which have been examined by the Fuel Research Board; and in how many cases the Board has...
asked the Secretary for Mines how many coal-producing countries employ boys of 14 to 16 years of age below ground between the hours of 10 in the evening and six in the morning?
Mr. Harvey: asked the Financial Secretary to the Treasury whether it is proposed to resume the printing of the statutory annual report of the Deputy Keeper of the Public Record Office, the issue...
asked the Financial Secretary to the Treasury what is the reason for the delay in issuing in bulk the new 3d. pieces; and when more of the coins are to be issued?
asked the Minister of Agriculture what action is being taken by the Commissioners for Crown Lands to preserve from destruction Munster Square, Regent's Park, designed by Nash and under their...
Mr. Rostron Duckworth: asked the Minister of Agriculture what progress has been made during recent years in the commercial production of oysters in tanks on the coasts 'of Great Britain; and...
Mr. De la Bère: asked the Minister of Agriculture whether, in view of the future operation of the Livestock Industry Bill and the loss of employment to the workers connected with the...
Mr. Alexander: asked the Minister of Agriculture whether he is now in a position to make a statement regarding the proposals of the Government in connection with the pigs and bacon marketing...
asked the Minister of Agriculture what steps he is now prepared to take in view of the fact that many home producers have been unable to find a market for poultry which had been specially reared...
(by Private Notice) asked the Minister of Agriculture whether he is now in a position to make a statement with regard to agricultural policy?
asked the Secretary of State for Dominion Affairs whether he will arrange for consultations to take place with representatives of the Commonwealth of Australia at the forthcoming Imperial...
asked the Secretary of State for Dominion Affairs whether he will arrange for the question of bulk trading and reciprocal trading between the Dominions and Colonies and the United Kingdom to he...
asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Health, as representing the First Commissioner of Works, whether his Department was responsible for the preparation of Westminster Abbey for...
asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Health, as representing the First Commissioner of Works, whether, in view of the public disappointment at the curtailment of the Coronation...
asked the Under-Secretary of State for Air how the building of the air factory at Speke (Liverpool) is progressing; when it is expected that the building will be completed; how many men are...
Mr. De la Bère: asked the Under-Secretary of State for Air whether he can give some assurance to the House that the average age of the designs of machines at present in use in the Fleet...
asked the Secretary of State for War whether he is aware that Army vocational training centres undertake work for private individuals; whether he is satisfied that it is fair to submit bona fide...
asked the Secretary of State for War whether the committee on the supply of officers for the Army has yet been set up; and, if so, whether he is in a position to give the names of the committee...
asked the Under-Secretary of State for India the approximate number of cows in India; how the proportion of cows and the milk consumption per head of population in India compares with that in...
asked the First Lord of the Admiralty what messages were sent by the admiral commanding the "Royal Oak" to the British merchant vessel "Kenfig Pool" prior to its entry into Bilbao on 24th May;...
Can the Prime Minister say what is to be the business for next week?
"to make provision for proportional representation in the election of Metropolitan Borough Councils," presented by Sir Percy Harris; supported by Mr. C. Wilson, Mr. Rickards, Sir William Wayland,...
That they have agreed to,—
Reported, with Amendments, from Standing Committee B.
Order for Second Reading read.
Order for Second Reading read.
Order for Third Reading read.
Order for Second Reading read.
Order for Second Reading read.
10.26 p.m.
10.27 p.m.
10.39 p.m.
Resolved, "That this House do now adjourn."—[Lieut.-Colonel Llewellin.]
Debates in the House of Commons are an opportunity for MPs from all parties to scrutinise government legislation and raise important local, national or topical issues.
And sometimes to shout at each other.