Mawrth, 30 Gorffennaf 1935
The House met at a Quarter before Three of the Clock, Mr. SPEAKER in the Chair.
Weymouth and Melcombe Regis Corporation Bill [Lords],
Resolved, That the Amendments to Standing Orders relating to Private Business as set out in the Schedule attached hereto be approved by this House.
Standing Order 5, page 94, line 23, leave out "set forth and specify," and insert "state."
2. asked the Financial Secretary to the War Office the number of applications for enlistment in the Army during the past six months, and the number accepted?
3. asked the Financial Secretary to the War Office what progress has been made in the matter of the new light machine gun mentioned by the Secretary of State for War in his memorandum on the Army...
4. asked the Secretary of State for Scotland whether he has completed his examination of the records of employment of young persons released on licence from approved schools during the past 10...
5. asked the Secretary of State for Scotland what steps have been taken by the Herring Board to carry out a scheme of advertisement in foreign countries?
6. asked the Secretary of State for Scotland whether he is in a position to inform the House of the results of recent negotiations in regard to farm servants' wages; and what steps have been...
1. asked the Financial Secretary to the War Office what progress has been made in the negotiations between the War Office and the Edinburgh corporation for the purchase of land at Redford for a...
(by Private Notice) asked the Secretary of State for Scotland whether he is aware that during the early hours of Saturday morning, 27th July, a large number of nets belonging to the Peterhead...
7. asked the Secretary for Mines whether he can make a statement as to what progress has been made to date in the extraction of oil from coal at the Imperial Chemical Industries works at Billingham?
8. asked the Secretary for Mines whether he has made any approach to the Coalowners' Association on the question of a joint meeting between them and the Mineworkers' Federation of Great Britain...
9. asked the Secretary for Mines how many coroners' inquests were attended by His Majesty's inspectors of mines during 1934; and the highest number attended by one inspector?
Miss WARD: 11. asked the Secretary for Mines whether he will consider instituting an inquiry into the adequacy of the welfare work carried on throughout the mining areas?
12. asked the Secretary for Mines whether he is aware that under the present trade agreement with Spain there is a rebate of three pesetas (gold) per ton of coal up to 750,000 tons of British...
13. asked the Secretary for Mines when the annual report for 1934 will be published?
14. asked the Secretary for Mines whether he is now in a position to say what steps he intends to take to prevent the excessive overtime that is being worked in the mines?
37. asked the Minister of Labour the number of claims for unemployment benefit which have been disallowed by courts of referees during the last two years and the number disallowed during the last...
15. asked the President of the Board of Trade whether he has considered the recommendation of the special area commissioner to set up a central bureau of information to which industrialists could...
38. asked the Minister of Labour the number of persons in receipt of unemployment allowance under the Unemployment Act for the six months ended 30th June last?
16 and 17. asked the President of the Board of Trade (1) the total annual volume of retail trade for 1934 or for any other year; (2) the total number of shops in Great Britain?
19. asked the President of the Board of Trade whether he is aware that during the first six months of the present year there were imported into this country from Germany 860,000 dozens of...
20. asked the President of the Board of Trade whether he is aware that the balance of payments between this country, Japan, and the United States of America, respectively, for the latest known...
21. asked the President of the Board of Trade when he will give to the House the results of the survey of industrial development in the United Kingdom during 1934; and whether these results will...
24. asked the President of the Board of Trade the value of the armament used for aerial warfare covered by export licences issued during the period 1st June, 1934, to 31st May, 1935?
53. asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer the number of motor cars and chassis with engines imported into this country from the United States of America during the first six months of 1935; and...
27. asked the hon. and gallant Member for Rye, as representing the Forestry Commissioners, the reason why the Forestry Commission are not prepared to alter their rearranged programme so as to put...
28. asked the Secretary of State for Air whether, in order to reduce the cost to the Exchequer of Members travelling by air or railway, he will grant free landing facilities for Members of...
30. asked the Secretary of State for Air whether, in view of the dissatisfaction which exists with the present machinery for inquiry into civil flying accidents, he will consider the setting up...
29. asked the Secretary of State for Air whether he is now able to state where the three new auxiliary squadrons will be located?
31. asked the Minister of Transport whether he is aware that several roads leading to the city of Stoke-on-Trent have been restricted to 30 miles per hour, even though there are no lamps or...
32. asked the Minister of Transport whether he will send down an official from the Ministry to inquire into the alterations in the omnibus services carried out by the London Transport Board in...
33. asked the Minister of Agriculture whether the vote taken at the inception of the milk boards was taken according to the number of milk producers or according to the number of their cows?
34. asked the Minister of Agriculture whether he is now in a position to announce the decision of the Government as to the future of the sugar-beet industry?
Miss CAZALET: 35. asked the President of the Board of Education whether he is yet in a position to state when the examination by the Board of Education and other Departments into the question of...
36. asked the President of the Board of Education whether he has considered the correspondence between the Board and the rector of St. Paul's, Chorlton-on-Medlock, Manchester, wherein the rector...
40. asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department on whose authority the police attended the Fascist meeting held at Stratford on Wednesday, 24th July; whether their attendance was...
43. asked the Home Secretary whether he can now state the names of members of the departmental committee on co-ordination of fire brigades in case of national emergency, and the committee's terms...
44. asked the Postmaster-General what amount of overtime has been worked by the telegraph operators since the introduction of the sixpenny telegram; whether superannuated operators have been...
45. asked the Prime Minister whether his attention has been drawn to the result of the National Peace Ballot, submitted to him by a recent deputation, which shows that 11,627,765 persons recorded...
46. asked the Prime Minister whether, in view of the fact that since the War there has been a net increase of 13 in the number of Government offices, and that upwards of 90 Members of the House...
49. asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer whether, as a result of the large sales of silver by China, she has obtained sufficient funds to meet her overdue obligations in respect of sterling loans?
54. asked the Chancellor of the Exchquer what have been the amounts of the Imperial contribution of the Northern Ireland Government during the last three years; whether the Government of Northern...
57. asked the Under-Secretary of State for India the names of the members of the expert body to investigate the financial situation in India, which it has been decided to appoint immediately...
58. asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether he will make inquiries and inform the House as to the number of Italian military aircraft in respect of which during the last six...
62. asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs when was the last communication received from the Ethiopian Government on the subject of the importation of arms or ammunition into that country?
23. asked the President of the Board of Trade whether he proposes to make further inquiry into the practice of bottling milk, as described by the deputation from the dairy industry to the...
51. asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer what was the total amount actually paid by way of excess profits duty by the Lancashire cotton trade and the total amount which would have been paid by...
55. asked the Financial Secretary to the Treasury whether he will consider making such amendment to the Superannuation Acts as will enable persons who were not established because at the material...
(by Private Notice) asked the Prime Minister whether his attention has been called to a speech by the Lord Privy Seal at Southampton on Saturday last, 27th July, in the course of which he...
May I ask the Prime Minister what business will be taken during the first week after the summer recess, and also what Orders he proposes to take to-night?
I beg to ask leave to move the Adjournment of the House to consider a definite matter of urgent public importance, namely, the decision of the President of the Board of Education to take no...
"to grant money for the purpose of certain local loans out of the Local Loans Fund and for other purposes relating to local loans," presented by Mr. Duff Cooper; to be read a Second time upon...
That they have agreed to,—
Lords Amendments to be considered To-morrow, and to be printed. [Bill 129.]
Lords Amendment to be considered To-morrow.
Order for Consideration of Lords Amendments read. Motion made, and Question proposed, "That the Lords Amendments be now considered.
Lords Amendment: In page 1, line 21, after "shall," insert "in India."
Lords Amendment: In page 5, line 26, after "copies," insert: of the Instrument and of His Majesty's Acceptance.
Lords Amendment: In page 11, line 3, leave out "a High," and insert "the Federal."
Lords Amendment: In page 12, line 22, leave out "exceeding," and insert "more than."
Lords Amendment: In page 13, line 23, after "Legislature," insert: whether with respect to a Bill then pending in the Legislature or otherwise.
Lords Amendment: In page 13, line 27, leave out "and every counsellor," and insert "every counsellor and the Advocate-General."
Lords Amendment: In page 15, line 22, after "Governor-General" insert "exercising his individual judgment."
Lords Amendment: In page 16, line 14, after "offence" insert "or corrupt or illegal practice."
Lords Amendment: In page 32, line 12, leave out "six" and insert "twelve."
Lords Amendment: In page 33, line 38, after "Berar" insert "or the voters for the Council of State."
Lords Amendment: In page 36, line 35, leave out "Sukkur Barrage" and insert "Lloyd Barrage and Canals."
Lords Amendment: In page 43, line 23, at the end, insert: (2) No person shall be a member both of then Federal Legislature and of a Provincial Legislature and if a person is chosen a member both...
Lords Amendment: In page 57, line 37, leave out "until disallowed by the Governor-General."
Lords Amendment: In page 69, line 14, at the end, insert: or(g) affects the grant of relief from any Federal tax on income in respect of income taxed or taxable in the United Kingdom.
Lords Amendment: In page 70, line 43, at the end, insert: or(iii) except in so far as is expressly permitted by any subsequent provisions of this Act, to make any law derogating from any...
Lords Amendment: In page 76, line 5, at the end, insert new Clause: (Supplemental.) . The foregoing provisions of this chapter shall apply in relation to any ordinance, order, bye-law, rule or...
Lords Amendment: In page 81, line 15, at the end, insert: (3) Without prejudice to any of the other provisions of this Part of this Act, in the exercise of the executive authority of the...
Lords Amendment: In page 83, line 5, at the end insert: (3) The executive authority of the Federation shall also extend to the giving of directions to a Province as to the construction and...
Lords Amendment: In page 93, line 18, leave out Clause 143.
Lords Amendment: In page 96, line 35, at the end, insert: (c) the annual value to the Ruler of any privilege or territory granted in respect of the abandonment or surrender of any such right as...
Lords Amendment: In page 97, line 39, leave out "the government of India," and insert "India or some part of India."
Lords Amendment: In page 106, line 18, at the end, insert: and the salaries, allowances and pensions payable to or in respect of members of his staff shall be paid out of those revenues.
Lords Amendment: In page 107, line 13, at the end, insert: or unless they are lands and buildings formerly used for such purposes as aforesaid, or intended or formerly intended to be so used, and...
Lords Amendment: In page 115, line 23, after "shall" insert: if it is such a contract as would have been legally enforceable by or against the Secretary of State in Council.
Lords Amendment: In page 115, line 40, at the end, insert: (2) The said executive authority extends to the carrying on in connection with any Federal railways or such undertakings as, in the...
Lords Amendment: Leave out the Clause.
Lords Amendment: In page 124, line 13, at the end, insert: and any fees or other moneys taken by the Tribunal shall form part of those revenues.
"If and in so far as His Majesty's Representative for the exercise of the functions of the Crown in its relations with Indian States may entrust to the Authority the performance of any functions...
Lords Amendment: In page 131, line 3, at the end, insert: (2) No report shall be made under this section save in accordance with an opinion delivered in open court with the concurrence of a...
" .—(1) If on an application made in accordance with the provisions of this section a High Court is satisfied that a case pending in an inferior court, being a case which the High Court has...
Lords Amendment: In page 144, line 25, leave out: the recruitment of officers generally and insert: recruitment to such posts and in recruitment generally for railway purposes shall have due...
Lords Amendment: In page 144, line 32, at the end, insert: (3) In framing the rules for the regulation of recruitments to posts in the postal and telegraph services, the Governor-General or...
Lords Amendment: In page 148, line 2, after "State" to insert: or any order relating to leave of not less than three months of any such person or any order suspending any such person from office.
Lords Amendment: In page 158, line 2, leave out "chapter" and insert "and the subsequent chapters of this Part of this Act."
Lords Amendment: In page 174, line 23, leave out "1919," and insert "1935."
Lords Amendment: In page 182, line 13, leave out "or electoral college."
Lords Amendment: In page 183, line 16, leave out Sub-sections (1) and (2) and insert: (1) Neither the executive authority of the Federation nor the legislative power of the Federal Legislature...
Lords Amendment: In page 184, line 21, at the end, insert: Provided that nothing in this Sub-section affects any power of any officer of His Majesty's forces to suspend, remit or commute a...
Lords Amendment: In page 185, line 13, leave out: on goods of any class or description.
Lords Amendment: In page 185, line 39, at the end, insert: (13) Nothing in this section shall be construed as derogating from the special responsibility of the Governor-General or of a Governor...
Lords Amendment: In page 187, line 5, at the end, insert:
"Section eighteen of the East India Company Act, 1780, and section twelve of the East India Act, 1797 (being obsolete enactments containing savings for native law and custom) are hereby repealed."
"—(1) The Sheriff of Calcutta shall be appointed annually by the Governor of Bengal from a panel of three persons to be nominated on the occasion of each vacancy by the High Court in Calcutta.
Subsequent Lords Amendment, in page 187, line 29, agreed to.
"For the purposes of the first elections of persons to serve as members of the Federal Legislature and of Provincial Legislatures no person shall be subject to any disqualification by reason only...
The DEPUTY-CHAIRMAN: I understand that the Lords Amendments to line 16 in page 190 are drafting, and I will put them en bloc. Question proposed, "That this House doth agree with the Lords in the...
Lords Amendment: In page 190, line 21, at the beginning, insert: Any power conferred by this Act on His Majesty in Council shall be exercisable only by Order in Council.
Lords Amendment: In page 187, line 5, at the end, insert: Provided that— (a) any reference to the revenues of the Federation shall be construed as a reference to the revenues of the...
Lords Amendment: In page 198, line 25, at the end, insert: and, notwithstanding anything in Part XI of this Act with respect to their term of office, on the establishment of the Federation such...
Lords Amendment: In page 200, line 23, at the end, insert: (2) Nothing in this section affects any power of His Majesty in Council to fix a date later than the commencement of Part III of this...
Lords Amendment: In page 290, line 17, leave out Clause 472.
Lords Amendment: In page 313, line 36, at the end, insert: and the protection of judges of the Federal Court and State High Courts from discussion in the Legislature of their conduct.
Lords Amendment: In page 326, line 11, after the second "time," insert "in whole or in part."
Lords Amendment: In page 377, line 9, after "Governments," insert: any armed forces which are not forces of His Majesty but are attached to or operating with any of His Majesty's naval, military...
Lords Amendment: In page 402, line 20, after "powers," insert "privileges and immunities."
Lords Amendment: In page 403, line 23, at the end, insert: (3) The Kyain township, the Myawaddy Circle of the Kawkareik township, and so much of the Karen Hill tracts situate in the eastern half...
Order for Consideration of Lords Amendments read.
Lords Amendment: In page 2, line 28, after "overcrowding," insert: or otherwise living under unsatisfactory housing conditions.
Lords Amendment: In page 6, line 21, after "and" insert: the regulations may provide for the exclusion from computation, or for the bringing into computation at a reduced figure, of floor space...
Lords Amendment: In page 8, line 10, at the end, insert: (2) Before furnishing particulars under the foregoing Sub-section, the medical officer of health shall consult with, or obtain a report...
Lords Amendment: In page 13, line 1, at the beginning, insert: (1) The provisions of section thirty-two of the Act of 1925 (which relates to expenses incurred in connection with certain orders)...
Lords Amendment: In page 17, line 11, at the end, insert: (d) considering the operation of the enactments relating to housing and making to the Department such representations as the Committee...
Lords Amendment: In page 20, line 21, leave out from the beginning to "any" in line 23, and insert: For references in the Act of 1925 and in the Act of 1930 to a public utility society there...
Lords Amendment: In page 21, line 43, at the end, insert: (5) If a housing association represent to the Department that they have submitted to the local authority proposals for arrangements under...
"27. Where the Department have undertaken to make in respect of any houses under the management of a housing association contributions under more than one enactment and the association are...
Lords Amendment: In page 22, line 23, leave out from "persons" to the end of line 26, and insert: The following Sub-section shall be inserted after Sub-section (2):(2A) An advance for any of the...
Lords Amendment: In page 32, line 10, after "charges," insert, "which the local authority are liable to pay."
Lords Amendment: In page 39, line 31, at the end, insert: (7) For the purposes of any enactment relating to valuation or rating, the gross annual value of any dwelling-house or dwelling to which...
Lords Amendment: In page 44, line 3, leave out "in the Acts of 1925 and 1930."
Lords Amendment: In page 44, line 28, after the first "arrangement," insert "in relation to other buildings."
"Any person who objects to a clearance ance order on the ground that a building included therein, being a building in which he is interested, is not unfit for human habitation, or who objects on...
Lords Amendment: In page 45, line 33, after "if" insert "at that date."
Lords Amendment: In page 47, line 5, leave out Sub-section (2).
Lords Amendment: In page 47, line 19, leave out "exchange," and insert "excamb."
Lords Amendment: In page 51, line 3, at the end, insert: (f) the height of ceilings.
Lords Amendment: In page 54, line 18, at the end, insert: and the local authority shall furnish to the Department a copy of any representation, recommendation or report made to them by the committee.
Lords Amendment: In page 67, line 42, leave out "the re-development," and insert: re-development, or for securing the use of the land, in accordance with the re-development plan.
Lords Amendment: In page 76, line 31, column 2, at the end, insert: In Section seventy-three, in Sub-section (3) for the word 'same' there shall be substituted the word 'advance'; and in...
Considered in Committee.
Motion made, and Question proposed, "That the Clause stand part of the Bill."
Amendments made: In page 7, line 1, insert: [(2) Where on such an application as aforesaid no warrant is issued, the justices may remit the payment of any sum or sums to which the application...
Resolved, "That this House do now adjourn."—[Captain Margesson.]
Debates in the House of Commons are an opportunity for MPs from all parties to scrutinise government legislation and raise important local, national or topical issues.
And sometimes to shout at each other.