Gwener, 26 Gorffennaf 1935
The House met at Eleven of the Clock, Mr. SPEAKER in the Chair.
Blackpool Improvement Bill,
Order for Consideration for Lords Amendments read.
Lords Amendment: In page 4, line 3, leave out "normally reside" and insert "live."
Lords Amendment in page 4, line 30, agreed to.
Lords Amendment in page 5, line 13, agreed to.
Lords Amendment: In page 7, line 1, after "and" insert: The regulations may provide for the exclusion from computation, or for the bringing into computation at a reduced figure, of floor space in...
Lords Amendment: In page 8, line 15, after "house" insert: is in the occupation of the person upon whom the notice was served or of a member of his family and".
Lords Amendment: In page 9, line 37, leave out from "dwelling-house" to end of Clause and insert: as to which the following conditions are satisfied, that is to say— (a) the house must be a...
Lords Amendment: In page 13, line 33, at the end, insert: (6) When the Minister's approval of a re-development plan has become operative and the plan comprises any land of the local authority,...
Lords Amendment: In page 13, line 34, at the beginning, insert: (1) The provisions of section forty-one of the Act of 1925 (which relates to costs incurred in connection with certain orders)...
Lords Amendment: In page 22, line 22, at the end, insert: (d) considering the operation of the enactments relating to housing and making to the Minister such representations with respect to...
Lords Amendment: In page 26, line 24, at the end, insert: (5) If a housing association represent to the Minister that they have submitted to the local authority proposals for arrangements under...
" . Where the minister has undertaken to make in respect of any houses under the management of a housing association contributions under more than one enactment and the association are required...
Lords Amendment: In page 27, leave out lines 6 to 12, and insert: (3) In section ninety of the Act of 1925 the following subsection shall be inserted after subsection (2):'(2A) An advance for any...
Lords Amendment: In page 37, line 29, after "charges", insert: which the local authority are liable to pay".
Lords Amendment: In page 51, line 36, after the fiifst "arrangement", insert "in relation to other buildings".
"(1) Where a person upon whom notice of a clearance order or of a compulsory purchase order made under Part I of the Act of 1930 or under Part I of this Act is required to be served has duly made...
Lords Amendment: In page 53, line 12, at the end, insert: Provided that a payment under this section shall not in any case exceed the difference between the full value of the house (that is to...
Lords Amendment: In page 54, line 24, leave out Sub-section (2).
Lords Amendment: In page 55, line 43, at the end, insert: Provided that the foregoing provisions of this sub-section shall not affect the validity of any bye-laws made under the Public Health...
Lords Amendment: In page 57, line 21, at the end, insert: if it appears to the Minister that it is likely to be so required within five years,".
"(1) Where— (a) a local authority have sold or exchanged land acquired by them under the Act of 1925, or any enactment repealed by that Act, or under the Act of 1930, or this Act, and the...
Lords Amendment: In page 60, line 30, at the end, insert: (2) Subsection (3) of section nineteen of the Act of 1930 shall have effect, and shall be deemed always to have had effect, as if for the...
Lords Amendment: In page 61, line 15, leave out: the authority take possession of the land and insert: the buildings on the land are vacated.
Lords Amendment: In page 61, line 23, leave out "after the order has become operative"; and insert: between the date on which the order is (in the case of a clearance order) confirmed or (in the...
"(1) In section nineteen of the Act of 1930 the following subsection shall be inserted, after subsection (1): '(1a) A person upon whom notice is served under the foreging subsection shall, if he...
Lords Amendment: In page 62, line 38, at the end, insert: (2) Subsection (i) of section eighteen of the Act of 1925 shall have effect as if the words 'habitually used as a sleeping place' had...
Lords Amendment: In page 64, line 28, leave out from "order" to "for" in line 33, and insert: for the determination of the lease or.
Lords Amendment: In page 65, line 11, after "loss," insert "involving a personal hardship."
Consequential Amendment made: In page 89, line 18, after "arrangement" insert "in relation to other buildings."—[Sir K. Wood.]
The following Notices of Motion appeared on the Order Paper: That the Amendments of the Bacon Marketing Scheme, 1933, which were presented to this House on the 22nd day of July 1935, be...
Order for Second Reading read.
Considered in Committee under Standing Order No. 69.
Resolution reported, That, for the purposes of any Act of the present Session to amend the Assurance Companies (Winding Up) Act, 1933, it is expedient to authorise the payment out of moneys...
Considered in Committee.
Amendments made:
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