Llun, 9 Gorffennaf 1928
The House met at a Quarter before Three of the Clock, Mr. SPEAKER in the Chair.
The Treasurer of the Household reported His Majesty's Answer to the Address, as followeth:— "I have received your Address praying that I will make an Order-in-Council under the Military...
Bournemouth Gas and Water Bill [Lords],
2. asked the Under-Secretary of State for India whether he has any information respecting the no-tax campaign in the Bardoli sub-divisional district of the Bombay Presidency.
3. asked the Under-Secretary of State for India whether an inquiry has been held into the equipment and general preparedness for war of the Army in India; and whether, as a result of that...
Mr. L'ESTRANGE MALONE: 4. asked the Under-Secretary of State for India the amount paid annually in pensions to British officers in the Indian civil and military services: and whether these...
6. asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies how many persons sentenced in Palestine for being in possession of Communist literature have been sentenced to deportation as well as...
8. asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies what new circumstances arose to cause the abandonment of the Film Quota Bill in the Singapore legislature which were not in existence when it was...
9. asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies the nature of the changes in the revised draft of the Malay States Workmen's Compensation Bill?
11. asked the Secretary of State for Dominion Affairs what directions have been drafted for the purpose of the impending visit to Canada, Australia and New Zealand of the Undersecretary of State...
12. asked the Secretary of State for Dominion Affairs the number of cases that have been heard by the Irish Grants Committee, and the number of cases that yet remain to be heard; and when it is...
14. asked the Minister of Agriculture the number of prosecutions under the Agricultural Wages Act for under-payment of agreed county rates to agricultural workers during the years 1925, 1926, and...
15. asked the Minister of Agriculture how many acres of agricultural land changed hands in Great Britain during the year 1927, the number of separate holdings involved, and their total cost?
17. asked the Secretary for Mines the number of boys under 18 years of age employed in the coal mines of Great Britain during the years 1925 and 1927, respectively, and the number of shifts...
19. asked the Minister of Health whether, in the case of a local authority carrying on or contributing to a land drainage scheme at the expense of the general ratepayer, he intends to de-rate...
21. asked the Minister of Health whether his attention has been called to a unanimous resolution of the Conference of Rural District Councils of England and Wales urging that, seeing the...
Lieut.-Colonel Sir FREDERICK HALL: 53. asked the Financial Secretary to the Treasury, with regard to the housing estate at Dundrum, County Dublin, which was set up under the Irish Land (Provision...
18. (for Lieut.-Colonel LAMBERT WARD) asked the Minister of Health whether his attention has been called to the action of the Filey Urban District Council who are insisting that Swedish doors...
22. asked the Minister of Health how many meetings have taken place of the committee appointed by him last March to inquire into the management, administration, and staffing of the London Lock...
23. asked the Postmaster-General whether he will give particulars showing how the amount of £120,000 is spent annually in bringing to the notice of the public the advantages of the telephone...
24. asked the Attorney-General whether the committee set up in 1921 to investigate and report upon matters bearing on litigation as between Crown and subject has made a report; whether any draft...
25. asked the Minister of Labour whether he is aware that Mr. William Hazelby was sent to London by the Nantyglo Employment Exchange, was met by officials and conducted to the Brixton Employment...
26. asked the Minister of Labour whether it is the intention of his Department to arrange for the issue to the public of the book prepared by his Department and the Juvenile Advisory Council as a...
27. asked the Secretary of State for Scotland the area of land which has been acquired on the farm of Scarristaveg for the purpose of forming small holdings and enlarging existing holdings?
29. asked the Lord Advocate the number of days served in prison by Neil Macdonald and Ewan Maclennan before their release was ordered by the Court of Session?
30. asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether he can give the names of the 30 passes that are open to tourists and climbers along the Swiss-Italian frontier, and which are the...
31. asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether his attention has been drawn to the fact that the retiring Chinese Northern troops carried off 6,000 goods wagons and 300 locomotives,...
32. asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs if he is yet in a position to state when His Majesty's Government intends to sign the American Peace Pact?
33. asked the President of the Board of Trade what quantity of oil was imported into this country from Russia during the year 1927 and for the six months ended 30th June, 1928?
34. asked the President of the Board of Trade whether his attention has been drawn to the fact that the Argentine Government is proposing to give effect to the provisions of the Mitre law, which...
35. asked the President of the Board of Trade whether his attention has been called to the increasing importation of hosiery latch needles; and if he will give the figures of such imports for the...
36. asked the President of the Board of Trade whether he has received more than one memorandum from members of the Enemy Debts Department asking for inquiry into one aspect and another of the...
43. asked the Home Secretary whether his attention has been drawn to the fact that, excluding the inspectorate, there are no women either in the children's division or in the police division of...
52. asked the Financial Secretary to the Treasury whether his attention has been called to a recent case of embezzlement and falsification of accounts by a collector of Income Tax in a parish of...
37. asked the President of the Board of Education whether he is now in a position to state when the Report of the special committee set up in 1923 to investigate various problems relating to...
38. asked the President of the Board of Education if the Board have in contemplation the reference to the consultative committee, or any other committee that may be set up and the consideration...
39. asked the President of the Board of Education how many libraries under the direct or indirect control of the Board of Education are chargeable to the Education Votes; how many volumes are...
40. asked the Secretary of State for War the number of civilian employés at Weedon and Didcot in June, 1926, 1927, and 1928?
41. asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department whether, in appointing Lord Byng the Chief Commissioner of Police, he issued any special instructions to him to investigate the conditions...
44. asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer if he is aware that refiners have refused to give to buyers the full reduction of duty according to polarisation on low-grade sugars in bond at the...
45. asked the Prime Minister if he can yet state whether His Majesty's Government will grant facilities for the further progress of the Empire Settlement Bill of the hon. Member for Berkshire,...
47. asked the Prime Minister whether, in arranging for the delegation to the Geneva Assembly this year, he proposes to adopt the practice of all previous Administrations, including his own first...
Captain CROOKSHANK: 49. asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer if he will state the total sum awarded during the last financial year as gratuities to inventors by the Royal Commission for Awards...
Captain CROOKSHANK: 50. asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer whether, seeing that the liability for British Income Tax upon temporary visitors to this country, whether from the Empire or from...
51. asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer how many ex-civil servants, pensioned or otherwise, are at present occupying administrative positions with the Anglo-Persian Oil Company?
(by Private Notice) asked the Prime Minister whether he will consider the matter of making adequate compensation to Mrs. Pace, the Fetter Hill widow, who has been under police surveillance since...
Motion made, and Question put, That the Proceedings on Government Business be exempted, at this day's Sitting, from the provisions of the Standing Order (Sittings of the House)."—[Sir...
Mr. William Nicholson reported from the Committee of Selection; That they had discharged the following Members from Standing Committee A: Mr. Drewe, Mr. Oakley, and Sir Cooper Rawson; and had...
That they have agreed to,—
I beg to move, in page 9, line 6, to leave out Sub-section (1). I imagine that it will be for the convenience of the Committee that we should not take up time in discussing this Amendment in view...
Amendments made: In page 12, line 13, leave out the words "an agricultural hereditament."
Question put, "That this be the Second Schedule to the Bill."
As Amended (in the Standing Committee), considered.
I beg to move, in Clause 1, page 1, line G, to leave out the words "the Scottish Board of Health." It is quite true that the subjects individually have been discussed in Committee to a very...
I beg to move to leave out the Clause. I have a number of Amendments on the Order Paper, dealing with the Keeper of the Registers and Records, the office of Keeper of the Minute Book and the...
Amendment made: In page 4, line 32, after the word "State" insert the words "after consultation with the Lord President of the Court of Session"—[Sir J. Gilmour.]
Order for Second Reading read.
Considered in Committee under Standing Order No. 71A.
Considered in Committee, and reported, without Amendment; read the Third time, and passed.
Debates in the House of Commons are an opportunity for MPs from all parties to scrutinise government legislation and raise important local, national or topical issues.
And sometimes to shout at each other.