Mercher, 15 Rhagfyr 1926
The House met at Twelve of the Clock, Mr. SPEAKER in the Chair.
Return ordered, of all the Draft Provisional Orders under the Private Legislation Procedure (Scotland) Act, 1899, which in the Session a 1926 have been reported on by the Commissioners; together...
3. asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether he will state the policy of the Government with regard to the withdrawal of Allied military forces from the Rhineland?
5. asked the First Lord of the Admiralty what bookings have been received to the last convenient date for the film Falkland?
10. asked the Minister of Labour the number of workpeople registered at Employment Exchanges as unemployed from the chemical trade in the months of October, 1924, October, 1925, and October, 1926?
11. asked the Minister of Labour the number of workpeople registered at Employment Exchanges in October, 1926, as unemployed from the plain net and lace trade in Derby, Nottingham, Long Eaton,...
12. asked the Minister of Labour if he is aware that Edward Jones, of 87, Bournville Road, Blaina, has been employed as a clerk in the Blaina Employment Exchange; that Jones was discharged in...
14. asked the Minister of Labour when the Report of the Blanesburgh Committee will be issued?
15. asked the Minister of Labour the total number of persons at present unemployed in Glasgow, the number of male and female workers affected, and the figures for the same period in Glasgow in...
17. asked the Secretary of State for Air the results of the tests of the gyroscopic fog-guide device; and whether any of these instruments have been ordered by the Ministry?
18. asked the Secretary of State for Air the number of officers and men of the Royal Air Force killed in flying accidents during each of the three years preceding the last convenient date,...
19. asked the Secretary of State for Air if he is aware that orders have been issued by the Meteorological Office that all meteorological work at the Lerwick Observatory is to be stopped on 31st...
20. asked the Secretary of State for Scotland whether the Report of the arbiter in the Erribol sheep stock valuation has yet been received; and, if so, what is the amount of the valuation to be...
21. asked the Secretary of State for Scotland the number of men and women, respectively, at present in receipt of able-bodied parish relief in the City of Glasgow?
22. asked the Secretary of State for Scotland the number of Weir houses that have been built in the city of Glasgow and are ready for occupancy, and the number of such houses that are occupied?
24. asked the Secretary of State for Scotland whether, seeing that portions of the Island of Rum have been recommended by Royal Commissions for small holdings or small sheep farms, he will say...
26. asked the Minister of Health whether he has received any report from the West Ham Board of Guardians; and, if so, whether any information as to their proceedings during the last six months...
27. asked the Minister of Health whether he is aware of the new Regulation whereby an invalid old age pensioner is required to have his or her signature in the book of vouchers witnessed by a...
Captain ARTHUR EVANS: 28. asked the Minister of Health whether he has any statistics showing the extent to which stocks of commodities affected by the new Preservatives Order, Colning into force...
Lieut.-Colonel Sir FREDERICK HALL: 30. asked the Minister of Health whether it is proposed to appoint regional dental officers in connection with dental benefit treatment as administered by...
31. asked the Minister of Health whether his attention has been drawn to the conditions under which tinned salmon is packed by some American firms; whether he is aware that syphilitic and other...
Sir F. HALL: 32. asked the Minister of Health whether his attention has been called to the action of the Monmouthshire Standing Joint Committee in issuing instructions for the withholding by 50...
34. asked the Minister of Transport the total number of accidents caused by motor traffic in the city of Glasgow during the past 12 months, and the number for the same period last year?
35. asked the Postmaster-General whether the Christmas mail arrangements will follow the same lines as last year?
36. asked the Postmaster-General the number of Post Office employés who were liable to be placed on half-pay due to sickness extending over a period of six months, and the percentage of...
37. asked the Postmaster-General whether he is aware that a woman at Birmingham has been awarded £3,000 damages and £149 special damages for injuries caused through being run down by a...
38. asked the Secretary of State for War whether he is aware that an unidentified deaf-and-dumb man, suffering from loss of memory, is at present in hospital at Rotterdam and supposed to be a...
Sir HENRY COWAN: 39. asked the Secretary of State for War whether the War Office is granting facilities for the production of an American film portraying the life and work of Florence Nightingale...
40. asked the Secretary of State for War whether he is aware that in connection with the introduction of grade 4 clerical rates of pay in the War Office out-stations, an increment of 2s 6d. per...
41. asked the Secretary of State for War how many tanks have been supplied to the Shanghai Municipal Council and on what dates; what were the conditions of their supply; and whether tanks have...
42. asked the Secretary of State for War whether his attention has been called to the speech made by Lieut.-General Sir Charles Harington at York on 2nd December, in which he urged the issue of...
Mr. JONES: 46. also asked the Prime Minister what naval or marine, military, and Air Force units have been drafted to China and Hong Kong in the past two months, and for what purpose?
48. asked the President of the Board of Trade whether he has examined the contract with the International Mercantile Marine Company with regard to the question whether he has powers under it to...
49. asked the President of the Board of Trade whether his attention has been specially called to the heroism of certain members of the crew of the steam- ship "Eastway," which foundered in -a...
50. asked the President of the Board of Trade if fuller information tends to confirm the estimate of £28,000,000 for the balance of trade of Britain for 1925?
51. asked the President of the Board of Education whether his attention has been called to the planetarium invented by the firm of Zeiss which has been erected by the Dusseldorf Corporation; and...
53. asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department whether the police, in licensing London County Council tramcars, satisfy themselves that the tramcars have been properly renovated and...
Sir CLEMENT KINLOCH-COCKE: 54. asked the Home Secretary whether, in view of the increasing difficulty of maintaining hospitals and other charitable institutions, he will consider so amending the...
52. asked the Minister of Agriculture the amount of milk that is being imported from the Irish Free State; and whether this amount has increased since the new Milk and Dairies Order?
55. asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer whether he is now in a position to make any announcement with regard to the Customs drawback on goods containing Empire sugar?
56. asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer whether he can see his way to tax the £5,000,000 paid to owners of foreign films who at present escape all taxation, and bring these sums into line...
57. asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer if all the firms who have received guarantees under the Trade Facilities Act have paid the interest and sinking fund on their guarantees; and, if not,...
Captain A. EVANS: 43. asked the Secretary for Mines the number of mines which have re-started in the South Wales area and the number of men they now employ, together with the corresponding...
44. asked the Secretary for Mines if his attention has been drawn to a colliery shaft accident which occurred at William-thorpe Colliery, near Chesterfield, a few days ago, and in which eight men...
(by Private Notice) asked the Secretary for Mines whether he is aware that there is at present a grave shortage of domestic supplies of coal throughout the country, and that delays of 12 to 14...
58. asked the Financial Secretary to the Treasury whether he is aware that this last Sunday the British Museum was not. opened b the public because there was some fog in the afternoon; who...
33. asked the Minister of Transport what steps he proposes to take to give effect to the recommendations of the Royal Commission on Cross-River Traffic in London; and whether he is prepared to...
(by Private Notice) asked the Prime Minister whether he can state who will be in charge of the India Office in the absence of the Secretary of State for India in Madeira and of the...
(by Private Notice) asked the Prime Minister whether he authorised the alteration in the OFFICIAL REPORT of his statement in the Vote of Censure Debate, on the 8th December, that in certain...
(by Private Notice) asked the Prime Minister whether, in connection with the proposal-to amend the King's Title, consideration has also been given to the question of amending the title of Parliament?
"to amend the Burgh Police (Scotland) Acts, 1892 to 1911, the Town Councils (Scotland) Acts,)900 to 1923, and the Law relating to the administration of Burghs in Scotland," presented by Sir JOHN...
Order [14th December] for a Return relative thereto read, and discharged.—[Colonel Ashley.]
That they have agreed to,
Minutes of the Proceedings of Standing Committee A on the Bill; to be printed. [No. 166.]
Special Report from the Joint Committee in respect of the Poor Law Bill [Lords] (pending in the Lords), brought up, and read; Report to lie upon the Table, and to be printed. [No. 167]
Order for Consideration of Lords Amendments read.
Lords Amendment:
Order for consideration of Lords Amendments read.
Order for Consideration of Lords Amendments read.
Order for Second Reading read, and discharged; Bill withdrawn.
Message to attend the Lords Commissioners.
I have further to acquaint the House that the Lord High Chancellor, being one of the High Commissioners, delivered His Majesty's Most Gracious Speech to both Houses of Parliament, in pursuance of...
Debates in the House of Commons are an opportunity for MPs from all parties to scrutinise government legislation and raise important local, national or topical issues.
And sometimes to shout at each other.