Mawrth, 31 Gorffennaf 1923
The House met at a Quarter before Three of the Clock, Mr. SPEAKER in the Chair.
Wimbledon and Sutton Railway Bill,
1. asked the President of the Board of Trade the number of separate estates of British-born women which have been wholly or partly seized in pursuance of the terms of the treaties of peace; and...
2. asked the President of the Board of Trade whether an inquiry has been held into the loss of the s.s. "El Kahira," of London (O.N. 110,140), with all hands and passengers, which left London on...
8. asked the President of the Board of Trade what pensions are being paid from pilotage funds to the retired servants of the Pilotage Department of the London Trinity House; and what is the...
3 and 4. asked the President of the Board of Trade (1) what action, financial or otherwise, he proposes to take to safeguard the interests of those policy-holders of the City Life Assurance...
5 and 6. asked the President of the Board of Trade (1) how much of the oil imported in this country from Russia during the last two years was produced from wells owned or developed by English...
7. asked the President of the Board of Trade what will be the total expenditure chargeable to British creditors in respect of staffing, housing, and other costs of the Clearing House for Enemy...
21. asked the Under-Secretary of State for War whether he is aware that in certain cases dissatisfaction is felt among civil servants in respect of the working of the Treasury Technical Pool and...
59. asked the Financial Secretary to the Treasury whether he is aware that the writing assistants, Civil Service, have not yet received an increase in pay nor a promise of an increase similar to...
45. asked the Prime Minister if his attention has been called to the Second Report of the Select Committee on Estimates, which charges the Air Ministry with extravagance and lack of financial...
10. asked the President of the Board of Trade whether he is aware that users in Japan of 99–100 per cent. synthetic indigo can buy from British dye makers at 5s. per 1b. whilst the sum of...
11. asked the President of the Board of Trade approximately the value of the tonnage built in German yards in each of the past three years, having regard to the class of vessels constructed?
12. asked the President of the Board of Trade whether any alleged cases have been brought to the notice of the Board of Trade of ships taking out false clearance papers from Great Britain since...
13. asked the President of the Board of Trade whether, in view of the fact that most of the 15,000 belated claims which have been lodged with the Reparation Claims Department were sent in by...
14. asked the President of the Board of Trade whether he is aware that the two steamers "Claro" and "Cicero" belonging to Messrs. Wilson, now Messrs. Ellerman Wilson, of Hull, were in Petrograd...
24. asked the Under-Secretary of State for War the cost of maintaining armies in the following countries: Great Britain, France, Germany, Russia, and the United States for the years 1913 and 1922?
25. asked the Under-Secretary of State for War whether, in the case of old soldiers who have accidentally lost their medals, any provision is made, and, if so, of what nature, whereby such medals...
26. asked the Under-Secretary of State for War, whether officers who held staff appointments during the War, although they had not passed through the Staff College, are eligible for staff...
30. asked the Financial Secretary to the War Office whether he is aware that Ernest Mason, of Woodlands, Doncaster, joined the Army in 1919, served a few years in India, and, after having...
Major-General Sir R. HUTCHISON: (by Private Notice) asked the Financial Secretary to the War Office whether, in view of the rapid fluctuations in the mark, he is now in a position to announce...
31. asked the Solicitor-General for Scotland under what procedure the arrest and surrender of John McPeak was made; and whether any stated charge against him was made to a Court in Glasgow before...
Lieut.-Colonel A. MURRAY: 32. asked the Under-Secretary to the Scottish Board of Health if he can state the progress that has been made in the direction of obtaining by voluntary returns...
33. asked the Under-Secretary to the Scottish Board of Health whether he is aware that the Castle Park, Dunbar, is overgrown with weeds detrimental to the surrounding district; and whether the...
34. asked the Under-Secretary to the Scottish Board of Health whether the Scottish Education Department has received protests against the minute of 2nd July, 1923, in regard to maintenance grants...
35. asked the Under-Secretary to the Scottish Board of Health what steps have been taken to deal with the complaints of the Linlithgow smallholders in regard to water and transport facilities?
37. asked the Under-Secretary to the Scottish Board of Health whether his attention has been called to the fact that the Sutherland County Council are advertising for a fully qualified sanitary...
38. asked the Under-Secretary to the Scottish Board of Health whether it is the intention of the Scottish Board of Health to publish the Report of the Joint Committee set up in 1920 and composed...
36. asked the Under-Secretary to the Scottish Board of Health the result of the negotiations with the local authorities in Scotland on the question of the Glasgow-Edinburgh road?
43. asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Transport whether he is aware that a private company is about to be formed with the object of constructing private roads for motor...
44. asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Transport if he is aware of the inconvenience caused at Thorne, near Doncaster, by the failure of the canal company and local authorities...
60. asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Transport whether he is able to give figures showing the number of accidents, fatal and otherwise, caused by mechanically-propelled...
39. asked the Secretary for Mines whether, seeing that the number of accidents in Durham County causing more than seven days' disablement increased from 10,272 in the year 1921 for approximately...
40. asked the Secretary for Mines what was the percentage of absenteeism amongst coal hewers during the last month for which returns are available?
41. asked the Secretary for Mines whether any statistics are yet available showing the number of cases of miners' nystagmus at pits where electric lamps are used, as compared with pits where oil...
42. asked the Secretary for Mines how many injured men and boys previously employed at collieries and now drawing partial compensation pay have been medically certified as hems; fit for light...
51. asked the Prime Minister whether he is aware of the strong feeling throughout the country in favour of the repeal of the provisions of the Old Age Pensions Acts as to calculation of means,...
52. asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer whether he is aware that the Customs authorities permit scent to be imported into this country through the parcels post, and confiscate such article if...
53. asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer whether in view of the decision of the Court in the action of D. M'Donald v. Shand, 1922, S.C. 555, affirmed by the House of Lords on 30th April, 1923,...
55. asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer whether, seeing that the present assessment of premises containing fixed machinery under Schedule A is in practice based upon or arrived at in the light...
61. asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Transport whether there are any cases in which electricity extension is delayed owing to inactivity of local authorities; and whether, in...
46. asked the Prime Minister whether he is aware that disabled men were successfully trained in watch-case making and similar work in a private factory in Manchester but, owing to competing...
47 and 48. asked the Prime Minister (1) whether, seeing that the imposition of protective measures has avoided the total loss of large sums of public money advanced as subsidies to the beet-sugar...
Captain BENN: 49. asked the Prime Minister whether the British delegates to the League of Nations assembly have yet been nominated; and whether it has been decided to include a woman among them?
62. asked the Postmaster-General whether he has recently received a deputation from the Tottenham Urban District Council with regard to the present inadequate post office accommodation; and what...
67. asked the Postmaster-General if, in view of its importance to trade, he can provide for laying the Report of the Broadcasting Committee before the House before it separates for the Recess;...
68. asked the Post master-General whether his attention has been called to the fact that, in dealing with the account for telephone charges to the City Corporation, the Chief Commoner claimed...
69. asked the Postmaster-General whether he is aware that on the 31st of May of this year a letter was sent to a few firms in Reading informing them that it was the intention of the Post Office...
63. asked the Post master-General who drafted the paragraphs, particularly referring to himself, which were handed to the Press on Tuesday last; and on whose instructions they were sent out?
70. asked the Minister of Pensions whether he is aware that Lance-Corporal E. G. Protheroe, No. 242,520, Gloucestershire Regiment, who served in the Army from 24th May, 1915, until his discharge...
Mr. W. JENKINS: 71. asked the Minister of Pensions if he contemplates vacating the hospital at Penrhiewtyn, Neath; whether he is aware that there is considerable resentment in the area at the...
77. asked the Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies whether he is aware that there is no precedent in which legislation by a Dominion has overridden and abolished statutory rights of British...
78. asked the Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies whether the Government intends to constitute for Kenya and Rhodesia a land board similar to that which exists in Natal, charged with the...
79. asked the Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies how much money is contributed by the African natives towards the revenue of Kenya, and how much is spent on native education; and whether...
80. asked the Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies at what date it is expected that the territory of Palestine may become self-supporting?
81. asked the President of the Board of Education whether he is aware that, in connection with the Federated Universities Superannuation Scheme, the provisions apply not only to Universities but...
82. asked the Attorney-General if he is aware that the Public Trustee has an unfair handicap over other corporate trustees, in that under Section 1 (2) of the Public Trustee Act, 1906, any...
83. asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department whether legislation will be introduced to carry out the requirements of the Draft Convention on white lead adopted at the International...
84. asked the Home Secretary if he is aware that on Wednesday the 25th instant, at about 10.8 p.m., a meeting was being held at the corner of Beckton Road, Canning Town, of the dockers on strike...
(by Private Notice) asked the Prime Minister whether, in view of the critical condition of European affairs, the absence of complete information as to the views of the various Powers, and the...
Special Report brought up, and read.
First Report from the Select Committee, with Minutes of Evidence and Appendices, brought up, and read.
Third Report from the Select Committee brought up, and read.
"to amend the Law relating to Officers of the County Courts and of District Registries of the High Court, and to make further provision with respect to County Courts and proceedings therein; and...
That they have agreed to,— Agricultural Rates Bill,Nottingham Corporation Bill,City and South London Railway Bill,Torquay Corporation Bill,London Electric Railway Bill, with...
Ordered (under Section 7 of the Private Legislation Procedure (Scotland) Act, 1899) to be considered To-morrow.
Lords Amendments to be considered Tomorrow, and to be printed. [Bill 212.]
I beg to move, That the period of suspension from the service of the House of Mr. Maxton, Mr. Wheatley, Mr. Stephen, and Mr. Buchanan do terminate this day. I am afraid I must trouble the House...
Order for Second Reading read.
The House has been dealing with a personal issue in which very important questions in relation to this House have been involved. The question to which I am now going to direct the attention of...
Message to attend the Lords Commissioners.
Question again proposed, "That the Bill be now read a Second time."
I will ask the permission of the House to bring to its notice another subject, namely, the Disposal Board and the contracts entered into by that body. We have heard quite recently in this House...
Major-General Sir J. DAVIDSON: I was not able to speak on the Colonial Office Vote last week, and I want to touch on the subject of the Voi-Kaké Railway, about which there has been so much...
I wish to draw attention to the Regulations in reference to the Scottish Education code. I wish particularly to draw attention to the position of children who will be leaving the elementary...
As amended, considered.
Every person who wilfully or negligently turns or permits to enter into any sewer of the corporation or any drain communi- cating therewith any petroleum spirit or carbide of calcium from any...
(3) (c) In the event of the company objecting to the decision of the corporation on any application for a licence to run omnibuses on any tramway route the company shall have a right of appeal to...
Where under the provisions of this Act the corporation shall construct or do any works for the common benefit of two or more buildings belonging to different owners the expenses which under those...
Postponed Proceeding resumed on Question, "That the Bill be now read a Second time."
At a quarter-past Eight o'clock, I had almost reached the conclusion of my remarks dealing with the Scottish education code, and especially with the point as to the intermediate schools which was...
I desire to raise the question of the writing assistant class of civil servants. This is a question that was touched upon somewhat in the Debate which we had upon certain members of the clerical...
11.0 P.M
As amended (in the Standing Committee) further considered.
Section forty-nine of the Town Councils (Scotland) Act, 1900, which relates to the taking of polls in contested elections, shall have effect as if the following proviso were added at the end...
(2) This Section shall not apply to any burgh other than Edinburgh, Glasgow, Aberdeen, Dundee, Greenock, or Paisley, unless and until it has been adopted by a resolution of the council of such...
Resolved, That the draft of a Special Order proposed to be made by the Board of Trade under Section 10 of the Gas Regulation Act, 1920, on the application of the Bromsgrove Gaslight and Coke...
Debates in the House of Commons are an opportunity for MPs from all parties to scrutinise government legislation and raise important local, national or topical issues.
And sometimes to shout at each other.